Some one told me yesterday that I needed to grow up and stop acting like a child, whats that about. Just because Im not sensible constantly and I still get excited about thing does that make me any less of an adult than some one whos a year younger than me and acts like her life is to cook and clean and stay at home with her drunk of a husband. Thats not how I want to spend my life Ive been there iv done that its not me. I want to spend it constantly surprised by all the things I see and do. My life is good at the moment I have an amazing bunch of mates who love me for me, there so supportive of me its untrue. I Love them so much specially Elsa and Jen they look after me when Im drunk. Even the ones who I pretend I hate Like Mark hes leaving soon who will I have foul mouthed arguments with now . I have a stunning boy who rules more than I ever expected of some one.
So tell me this why the fuck should I grow up Im young Im healthy wheres the law that says you need to have your life mapped out for you by 24.
My life is getting back on track and I like it. Now all I have to do is get over my insecurities I dont have many but the one I do have been there for a while so there kind of hard to lose but Im working on it.
Good Points
Bringing Freddy and stitch home iv missed them
The fantastic weekend I had
Bad points
Having to use some one elses pc while I get settled in
How far away people are from me (I wish I could have all my favourite people in Nottingham then id be happy)
Anyway far to much babble from me Im of to get another Bloody needle stuck in my arm dont you think Dr should be good at taking blood, why do they need a second go.
So tell me this why the fuck should I grow up Im young Im healthy wheres the law that says you need to have your life mapped out for you by 24.
My life is getting back on track and I like it. Now all I have to do is get over my insecurities I dont have many but the one I do have been there for a while so there kind of hard to lose but Im working on it.
Good Points
Bringing Freddy and stitch home iv missed them
The fantastic weekend I had
Bad points
Having to use some one elses pc while I get settled in
How far away people are from me (I wish I could have all my favourite people in Nottingham then id be happy)
Anyway far to much babble from me Im of to get another Bloody needle stuck in my arm dont you think Dr should be good at taking blood, why do they need a second go.

^ NOT YOU!!! obviously, its just a pic!