Today is a sad day for America. It seems the Democrats have taken over Washington. Sadly people are so wrapped up in anti war rhetoric and Bush bashing that they have failed to see that with the Dems in control we are now officially fucked. We can look foward to poor national security, open borders and don't forget the Clintonesque recession that is bound to follow if a Dem takes the presidency in 08. Its unfortunate that so many voters failed to realize that the only thing the Dems are capable of is criticizing Bush while they themselves have accomplished nothing more than a 6 year smear fest. One good note is this will be a reminder to the people why they took the Dems out of office in the first place, I guess some just needed a wake up. This is going to be a long and bumpy ride.
The only fortunate thing to come out of this election is Connecticut still has competent people in office.
I don't know much about Lamonts past, only the basics, but i do know that Joe was a little too right leaning for my taste last term. I think he will still serve CT well and I will just have to be a little louder when something I feel strongly about is up for a vote. Remember that I grew up in NY and only work in Gtown (lived there for only 2 years), I live in Norwalk...
i am, of course, pleased that the house is blue again, and even more pleased that it's moderate blue.... so yet again we'll agree to disagree.