Just when you think you're out.....
They send you an offer to renew for a whole year for $29
While I greatly prefer making my own prawn it's kinda' hard to resist... plus you can meet some great ppl on here.
They send you an offer to renew for a whole year for $29

While I greatly prefer making my own prawn it's kinda' hard to resist... plus you can meet some great ppl on here.
17 days till we leave for Burning Man....and sooooo much to do...yikes!!!
All things considered this has been a pretty good day: Found a home for the two stray-ish kittens hanging around my friend's apartment
, got my new [non-krappy] cell phone
, and today's blasting in the lot behind my house was small and controlled enought to NOT send any more buckets of rocks showering down on my roof.

i when there is blasting going on- no matter how controlled it is, if i'm near the blasting zone I, my car, or my house, or any combination of the three, will get showered with rocks. It's inevitable.
After seeing previews for the past XX months and waiting patiently for its release...finally saw Life Aquatic the other night. Best film to come along in quite some time. If you liked Royal Tenenbaums you should love this. Even if you hated RT's, you should still give this a try. It's so refreshingly different and non-Hollywood, it really stands on its own.

do you exist?

hang on a minute....checking with headquarters....awaiting a response...why yes...Yes I do exist

OK kids...Burning Man is just under two months away so it's time to start making plans if you haven't already. This will be my fourth year organizing a rideshare from Nashville to the Burn. We always fill up so if you're interested in hitching a ride speak up now.
happy birthday! 

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Deaaar Spinnergeeeeeeeeey, Happy Birthday too YOU!!! 

pics of friends