its been a few days since i last updated so i thought id catch up. so this past sunday was a blast
. My neighbors who i might add are very trashy. They actually could afford to throw their daughter a graduation party. Where they got the money i dont know seeing as how they are always late with rent and barely ever have the whole thing( according to my boss wo is both our landlords). Well anyways they invited me and my girl , i think they only invited us cuz they asked me to use my grill that my girlfriend bought me( big stanless steal grill)
, but anyways, it was funny cuz i swear i could almost count all there teeth on one hand- there so trashy, and so where most of there friends. all an all it was good time though i had me some bubba cola and burgers. It was great when my neighbors wife got wasted she kept telling me that she thinkls my stretched ears were gross. SO not only was she trashy but also close minded too. SHe sucks.
but other than that nothing exciting happend except later that night my girl came home all wasted..... i think someone gave her liquid g. It sucked for me and i was scared shitless it kept feeling like she was dying. she would stop breathing for a few seconds then i would check for her pulse to make sure she was still alive and like as soon as i did that she would grasp for air...i think she gave up drinking....i gigled at that and wished her good luck on the venture. Thats pretty tough to do especially when u work at a bar. You know? well thatr about it