so today.....i spent like 2 hours on hold and two hours talking to some guy i couldnt understand on the phone...trying to guide me through on how to fix my computer....well its like the fucking blind leading the blind.....i could barely understand ever wonder why it seems like sometimes when ever you need help over the phone they have some person who cant speak english that great...or maybe its me and their english is just to good for me. helping you out ...but really you just end up more pissed of then when you started and the situation just seems worse.........
fucking pull my hair out and shoot me please
on a lighter note now there gonna send someone here for free to fix my computer......i missed the head automatica show too
....i really wanted to go see them....oh well maybe next time
fucking pull my hair out and shoot me please
on a lighter note now there gonna send someone here for free to fix my computer......i missed the head automatica show too

get over it