im fucking bored..its been a long ass weekend...all in all just a shitty weekend.....its really girl is gone for the weekend.......friday nigth sucked and well saturday night i gave it up to my gf's he could have a good time...which i dont mind cuz i love my girls kids to death....i guess thats part of being an sure i didnt miss anything i bought my girl the punk goes 80s cd...with a pretty good line up of bands i hope she likes it.....also went down to the allentown festival today with her son and his friend.....that as well kind of sucked cuz the band that was playing thee sucked so we didnt want to do that, it was really hot and humid, and i really couldnt enjoy or look at the art cuz i had the kids and it was about them today.....but there always next year i guess..... the only thing really positive was i got a few compliments on my clockwork orange t shirt.......that shirt fucking rocks....well thats it for now hope everyone else enjoyed there weekend
Being an adult is overrated!

your girl was pretty hot on the tv last night