blah blah blah

blah blah blah blah blah.
blah blah kitty dying. blah blah sad, blah blah blah.

blah blah drama, blah blah self righteous bitch, blah blah blah.
blah blah blah

i really would like a do-over on this month.

Thanks doll! much appreciated. But doll is prolly not a word you care to be described by huh? So how about something ultra masculine? I will call you Butch! WHOOOPIE! I am a nerd. Whats going on in your life? confused
oi. the last few days have been a trial for me. i had a great/horrible time at CONvergence, where the sheer nerdiness overwhelmed me. then i had to deal with super drunk friends who were also overwhelmed, and i couldnt use alcohol to deal. luckily the next day i took some holy basil and i felt a little better.
then the next few days...
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blah i'm tired of dating.
or not dating.

really i'm just tired of being clueless and sometimes i wonder if i was dropped in on this existence w/o being properly preprogrammed with experience to live a full rich life.

oh well.

next! blackeyed
me too... I actually need to go and buy some more cause I didn't buy enough. eeek

last night was pretty fun.. lots of wierdo's biggrin

just booked a vacation with my best friend to a swanky spa in Boulder.

its gonna be fun. i'm totally excited. end of the month. i'll be gone for a while. goin to an indycar race in milwaukee and then the day after i return from there i go to boulder. EEEEEE!!!

now i need to find someone to come and take care of...
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an actual possible/maybe date??

who with? I'm kinda in that same boat right now... further details when I figure out her head more eeek
blah. i went out last night with my new fancy schmancy digital SLR and was taking pictures of nemoeib's band, and i succeeded, but there are a crapton of bad pictures. blah. that and the 2nd day of power failures makes me feel all sad.

1. Power failures are awesome

2. SLR is the only way to go. Viewfinder cameras can suck my ass.
is it? I shall be POWERFUL! just rub my belly wink
i'm getting tired of how frelling unreliable people can be.

it was to be expected i suppose. its not like i didnt know.

oh well.
so i got asked to become a writer. or actually i guess i volunteered myself for it.

yeah. i'm going to be writing a bi-weekly column on food. thats a pretty general topic area so i should be good to go. hopefully i'll be able to come up with things to write about.
That is awesome! I want to see your published work.

its becoming really boring in my brain lately.

and i have found it harder to keep myself from being a dick to friends. whats good is that finally after decades of being me, i have found that i can recognize my dick-ishness now and try and adjust my actions before i go off on someone. its hard though. some of my friends would probably...
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Does taking an antihistamine really help mosquito bites? It seems like I've tried everything and the only thing that makes them not itch is being drunk as hell
in response to a comment you left a few days ago. yes. we should get together for a chat involving substances one either eats or drinks. i don't work W-F every week.

Voltage was tonnes of fun. i am friends with some hottt models!
well or maybe it was simply that rachelleappelle makes them look even hotter. and her stylist team.

even funner was getting to meet in person seor razorfist and billybillybilly.

otherwise very little in my life causin me a need to write here in what used to be a inconspicuous corner online......
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went to the roller derby.
had fun.

realized while sitting on the deck at Joe's Garage that i have a dark cloud passing over me. but its spotted, and sometiems i dont feel it.

but it is there. and its making me incredibly negative lately.

here's hoping the winds of change blow the clouds away.

i'm just trying to negotiate how i was certain, in my heart and soul certain that i was going to marry jd. and then, not.


stupid heart, stupid soul. i would like to be more cynical. or at least know for certain if there's someone i am destined to spend my life with so i stop getting in so deep...

we should play pinochle. i don't know how, but i'm willing to try. i also have a wicked checker board that i got at target for five bucks. we could drink lemonade and play board games and talk about clouds.

i make really tasty minted lemonade.

i'm gonna have a weenie roast soon.

my thoughts are a tad disjointed.