I saw Alpha Dog tonight, and being familiar with Jesse James Hollywood and the murder of Nicholas Markowitz I must say that Nick Cassavetes did an awesome job with this film. It clung to the true story with being over the top.
Four whole days off of work and I am being as unproductive a possible. Today's highlights included running three miles, watching four entire episodes of Walker Texas Ranger, and the Directors Cut of the Punisher on DVD. Tomorrows highlights will include driving to S. Elgin to set up an apointment for my calf tattoo, and a trip to the comic book store. Two episodes of...
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Work has been super busy. I think I might have been taking advantage of the fact that I was working the am shift, but the sad reality is I am going back to midnights starting in Jan... I guess that is where I belong. I am not a big fan of the sun, and I do like late night television so this could work. The...
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Thank you! so much!
can't wait to see pics of the leg! that's awesome!
can't wait to see pics of the leg! that's awesome!
Work six days off three, work six days off three, work six days off three. The problem with the three is that there is no point in adjusting my sleep schedule back to what normal people have. In a few weeks when the days get to their shortest I am quite certain that I will no longer see the sun.
In better news... I started...
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In better news... I started...
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What the fuck is up with Tom Delonge? I just watched the video for Angels and Airwaves "Do It For Me Now" and Delonge looks like fucking Scott Stapp. That and I remember seeing the Distillers live, and I could never picture Ryan Sinn in a band like that.
I'm starting to feel that way myself. I could've gone back to kansas, to the boyfriend for the winter... but I cut loose and resigned myself to a cold winter alone in chicago. Yet somehow it still seems like the best possible choice.
Step #1 Finish training... Check
Step #2 Get settled in at work... Check
Step #3 Buy a new house... hahahahahhaha long way off.
Two out of three aren't bad. I think that deserves a new tattoo for me.
Step #2 Get settled in at work... Check
Step #3 Buy a new house... hahahahahhaha long way off.
Two out of three aren't bad. I think that deserves a new tattoo for me.
I cannot believe how busy I have been. At least being busy makes the time fly bye. 5 Weeks down 7 to go and I am done.
It took long enough but it is finally here Saturday the 8th. I will be in San Diego for the next week. yay.
Hello there. How are ya??
So hopefully life will be back to normal by Saturday...
The Rundown...
Tuesday I worked from 6:00 am until 2:00 pm
-Which was not that bad, but I had to go back to work to prep for a reset so...
Tuesday 6:00 am until 2:00 pm then 9:00pm until 2:00 am then...
Wednesday I worked from 6:00 am until 1:15 pm
-Which sucked royal because...
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The Rundown...
Tuesday I worked from 6:00 am until 2:00 pm
-Which was not that bad, but I had to go back to work to prep for a reset so...
Tuesday 6:00 am until 2:00 pm then 9:00pm until 2:00 am then...
Wednesday I worked from 6:00 am until 1:15 pm
-Which sucked royal because...
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Get a new job then!
And I like winter better.
And I like winter better.
I have not gotten out much recently. Actually I have not gone out at all. Last night I actually went out and it was to hear live music of sorts. Every once and a while my buddy's church allows a couple of local bands play shows down there. So I worked the show last night. Set up and took down the stage, ran security, and...
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that noah is a dick.
my family tree can be traced back to vikings... how about that