My fellow humans,
It's true that my birthday was on Thursday November 6th. I'm now 22 years old. WTF. I have never felt my age since turning 18, but things have changed. I know I'm not old per say, but I am getting older. Does that make sense? All the things that have happened in the past year and a half since I've been here have forced me to grow up a bit.
I almost thought about moving back home because of my financial situation, but then my school sent me a nice check of what was left over from my loans (a few months late). So, now I can stay and work and go to school for another semester! Most importantly I can live. I was getting tired of worrying about money all the damn time. They cut everyone's hours at work because the higher ups miscalculated everything. Lames. I'm way behind on my homework. I should be doing it right now, but I havent said anything worth saying in a while on here.
I can't wait to start using my 2009 BSG calender that Tesla gave me for my birthday. AWESOME
I'd rather play video games and my guitar then go to class tomorrow. Too bad I've already missed too many days.
I was really sick for a few days. I hate it when I lose days to sickness.
Obama is my homeboy.
LAST CALL I've been listening to: Deerhoof, Wu-tang Clan, Bloc Party, Gojira
What's some new music you guys have been listening to? New music to you that is...
It's true that my birthday was on Thursday November 6th. I'm now 22 years old. WTF. I have never felt my age since turning 18, but things have changed. I know I'm not old per say, but I am getting older. Does that make sense? All the things that have happened in the past year and a half since I've been here have forced me to grow up a bit.
I almost thought about moving back home because of my financial situation, but then my school sent me a nice check of what was left over from my loans (a few months late). So, now I can stay and work and go to school for another semester! Most importantly I can live. I was getting tired of worrying about money all the damn time. They cut everyone's hours at work because the higher ups miscalculated everything. Lames. I'm way behind on my homework. I should be doing it right now, but I havent said anything worth saying in a while on here.
I can't wait to start using my 2009 BSG calender that Tesla gave me for my birthday. AWESOME
I'd rather play video games and my guitar then go to class tomorrow. Too bad I've already missed too many days.
I was really sick for a few days. I hate it when I lose days to sickness.
Obama is my homeboy.
LAST CALL I've been listening to: Deerhoof, Wu-tang Clan, Bloc Party, Gojira
What's some new music you guys have been listening to? New music to you that is...
like, there was a candelabra in the room, so we just left it there, and stuff.
Time to go babynapping! I hear Chinatown's good for it...