Okay my previous journal entry ran into some "technical difficulties", but I have decided to just find hamsters in the wild and tag them for communal "research" for the cure to stupidity....which is obviously an epidemic cause we have Bush for 4 more years....
jeez you would think people would have been smarter but whatever....BLAH!!!!I am going to write a letter to the President and hopefully he knows how to read and will read it......doubtful but it is worth a shot...you should all write a letter to the president about the things you think he shouldn't do and see if he still goes throught with them and if he does then he really doesn't care about the people of this country's opinion.....and to end find a blood-sucking freak and give them a hug
The things Bush does

The things Bush does
.which is obviously an epidemic cause we have Bush for 4 more years
Well, I do not consider myself stupid. I also do not consider myself swayed by the popular belief. While I fought with myself on who to vote, I, in the end, voted for Bush in good concious, knowing that he was the better of two evils.
I love how many of the Kerry supporters are sitting here deriding the Bush supporters. This is what democracy is all about. This is the civic duty that we are assigned once every 4 years. Thank the other side for voting, and be proud of them for taking the time to vote.