" Peace does not equate with stability--stability is non-dynamic and never more than a hair's breadth from chaos."
-Dune: House Corrino
CHAOS!!!!!!!....I WANT FUCKING CHAOS TO GO WITH MY BIRTHDAY CAKE GGODDAMNIT!!!!!.....Why wouldn't anyone not want chaos and mayhem ensue?...It is the natural order of life and if you don't believe me look at Fuckin' Evilwillow.....Fucking chaos right there in your face.....I SENSE YOUR ENVY OF MY NECK!!AND I DON'T BLAME YOU!!DROOOOOL OVER MY MAGICAL POWERS!! I HAVE POWERS ONLY PINTO BEANS CAN DREAM OF!WANNA SEE ME PULL A TAPE WORM OUTTA MY ASS?!!HUH!?!
~ Do you have the insanity to wish for immortality ? ~
-Dune: House Corrino
CHAOS!!!!!!!....I WANT FUCKING CHAOS TO GO WITH MY BIRTHDAY CAKE GGODDAMNIT!!!!!.....Why wouldn't anyone not want chaos and mayhem ensue?...It is the natural order of life and if you don't believe me look at Fuckin' Evilwillow.....Fucking chaos right there in your face.....I SENSE YOUR ENVY OF MY NECK!!AND I DON'T BLAME YOU!!DROOOOOL OVER MY MAGICAL POWERS!! I HAVE POWERS ONLY PINTO BEANS CAN DREAM OF!WANNA SEE ME PULL A TAPE WORM OUTTA MY ASS?!!HUH!?!
~ Do you have the insanity to wish for immortality ? ~
I don't think adding any more chaos would me a very good idea. Birthday cake is already chaos-filled.
hahahahahahahaha! I love finding myself and chaos holding hands.