- on I really want to _____ the person above me! part 2 in silliness
- on What accent do you find the sexiest? in silliness
- on Would you cuddle with the poster above you? in silliness
- on 1st Word That Comes to Mind in silliness
- on Guess their job... (the second coming) in silliness
- on Song Title Game... Side B. in silliness
to the SGs, and especially the Hopefuls and their photogs!
Happy Rites of Spring! Now go out and plant some seeds! Oh yeah, and Fuck like bunnies!
Gotta get me some old time religion!
Got done with the job a day early.... so an extra day in the garden. Liam thinks that's great, too.
Another day in paradise.... going to need a bigger stick.
Messe Basel. Beating the minutes to death with a stick.
Back in the arms of my family.... now 4 days in Basel, then some time off.
Last concert and then load out! Band of Horses acoustic set. Nice bunch of lads.
3,5 Hour drive from Bern after workin all day in Zürich.... Zermatt Unplugged can now start! 5 days vacation job! :) Nice!
Grill Party on top of Züriberg with some new friends. Great way to spend the afternoon. Liam, of course, ate his weight in grilled veggies, lamb and dirt. :)