Right Kids, last blog before I head to Iraq.
For all you that will enjoy the festivals, drink sensibly, wear ear protection, and take your rubbish home.
For those of you who will have to work all summer long to save money for going back to Uni, work hard, save hard, and resist the temptation to blow it all on a holiday or something fivilous.
For those who are looking to travel, stay safe, travel in groups and never trust a foreigner.
Me, I will travel with mates, be exposed to loud noise, blow my wages on some random crap I don't need and probably return to a country that is in a worse state than when I left it.....ho hum.
Be cool, communications may be difficult from here on......adjust your antennaes, and up the power.
For all you that will enjoy the festivals, drink sensibly, wear ear protection, and take your rubbish home.
For those of you who will have to work all summer long to save money for going back to Uni, work hard, save hard, and resist the temptation to blow it all on a holiday or something fivilous.
For those who are looking to travel, stay safe, travel in groups and never trust a foreigner.
Me, I will travel with mates, be exposed to loud noise, blow my wages on some random crap I don't need and probably return to a country that is in a worse state than when I left it.....ho hum.
Be cool, communications may be difficult from here on......adjust your antennaes, and up the power.

If you ever get back on site send me another friend request dude, cleaned you by mistake.
Hey dude, good to see you back!