Aggretsuko Retsuko, a sweet 25-year-old red panda who works as an accountant at a company, the character encounters several challenges that we can identify with, such as maintaining relationships with other people through social cordiality. Rather than the pure satisfaction of having friends and the difficulty in doing so. However, the solution to relieve yourself from daily stress is to sing heavy metal karaoke at night. I find the character development in the anime very interesting, not just Retsukko, her boss for example, who at first seems like an abusive person, as the episodes progress the spectator feel a certain compassion for the family and generational dilemmas he goes through. Due to difficulties and dissatisfaction at work the panda also finds herself in a professional dilemma, questioning herself about the decisions she makes and the possible alternatives to solve her work problems, just as we all question ourselves and evaluate our life and performance at work sometimes. The relationship between her and her mother catches my attention because it greatly influences Retsuko's personality and her need to be the "good girl". Always prioritizing the wishes of others and not knowing what her own wishes are. I also find the way it portrays dealing with rejection and anxiety as an adult woman interesting. However, Retsuko has a hobby that helps her face life's daily struggles: singing karaoke. More specifically songs from the heavy metal genre, with insane screams that form an almost unique language where she can vent all her daily anxieties. I have so many thoughts about the anime but since I can't write everything here, I think it was a good summary hahaha
I could say that the story reminds me a lot of many people’s life, with common problems at work, relationships in general, and how good it is to have something to extavasate from time to time! And how do you get it out? What is your favorite anime? I could talk about it! I would love to know more and possibly see you in the future!
Can you agree that my cat looks like Retsuko?
Thanks for the space! @MISSY