i am syncing my iPhone so i can have the new Dragonforce album on it and it is taking forever and i need to go to work and this is making me late but i really need it to get me all pumped u for work, yes i said pumped up, this is a really long run on sentence that is making me feel a little better about being late for work because it is really amusing me right now but it is still only 78% complete which means that i have to keep going until it is done but i don't know if i am going to have enough to say in one sentence about nothing, fuck it comma's are my new best friend, i will add comma's so that this will never end and it will go on forever and the grammar police will come breaking down my door with teargas and foam bullets to take me away for my crimes against humanity.
Ok it just finished, I just read that and it made my head hurt.
Ok it just finished, I just read that and it made my head hurt.
Run ons are hawt!