What's crackin? Well I think I have fallen in lust with this girl named Dre. She's so fucking kick ass but the problem is that she just want's to fuck and that's it. Like last night we had a great time out at dinner and the Gst Pub and then went back to my place. I took fetish photo's of her in handcuffs and we had some of the best sex I ever had all fucking night. We didnt go to sleep until like 5 in the morning. She's so fuckin hot and just a kick ass girl. I want her, but I know I can't have her. She's to wild, I don't think I can tame her down. Fuck so what are you going to do right? Nothing. She told me last night that she just like's fucking me. Well fuck, what the hell am I complaining about? That's the way it's been with all the girls I have dated in the past. Ive never wanted to be exclusive with any women. Ive always wanted to be single and now that im ready to seattle down, fuck oh well. lol now im sad, I guess it's time to start drinking. lol

i got it at the shop where i work in santa barbara.
be safe and hurry back please!!!
Are you going to the next Warp 11 show on Jan 19th? The new CDs won't be on sale yet.