Last night I went to San Fransisco to see one of my bands that are on Gearhead Records. The Black Furies. OMFG So fucking tight. I got fucking rocked. Radio Birdman played as well and it was amazing to see those Rock legends. They were fucking cool as fuck too. I met em backstage. Cool dudes. So yeah if you wanna see the Black Furies...
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I didnt even think you were still on here, you hadnt posted in forever... Glad to hear your life is still going so good, you always seem to be having fun...

God Damn it's been a long ass time since I've been on here. Fucking Myspace. Anyways I'm working for Gearhead Records now. I'm the local promotions director. It's pretty cool. I fucking have three jobs. That's nut's. I'm in the Air Force, I work at a bar and now I'm in the music business? WTF, choose a fucking job Casey. lol Na, I love em...
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Hey sorry to all my friends on here and to the new cats that have been checking out my toatally cool profile on here. Fuck the last journal entry I had was from April. I suck monkey balls don't I. Anywho I'll try and keep on the keepin on. Keep it real.
mister hank rollins will be in sacramento in november. it will be at the crest again.

your welcome...

Hey, what's crackin? Well I'm back in Nor Cal. Just got back from Savannah, Georgia. Yeah I went on this trip, left Nor Cal went to Savannah, GA and then to Spain then to Iraq to Kuawait, back to Iraq back to Spain and then back to Spain. I was in Spain for like 8 mother fucking days. Left there and went to Savannah. Stayed...
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111

Happy Birthday!!!

What's crackin? Wow I havnt been on here in a while. Well I've been gone. I went over to Europe and the Middle East. Had a pretty good time. So yeah I met this girl on and I ended up running into her last night at the Gst Pub here in Davis. She the owner of Gearhead records. A punk label out of S....
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Damn you and me both!!! You for the Taco Bell thing, I've wanted Taco Bell so badly all day and I'm not getting it.
Damn me because, I meant to say I'm not sharing. I'll bring liqour and share, but not the woman.
Lingerie party, all the women should be in skimpy lingerie. When are you going to have it?
(I'm going to edit my last comment.)
Damn me because, I meant to say I'm not sharing. I'll bring liqour and share, but not the woman.
Lingerie party, all the women should be in skimpy lingerie. When are you going to have it?
(I'm going to edit my last comment.)
Hey sweet thing!!! yeah let me know next time your in town ...we'll meet up...kindda funny about the crack whore...
didint you say once that you are on my space???? if you are let me know...Im on under the same name look for me k????? Have a great St Pattys Day!!!!!
didint you say once that you are on my space???? if you are let me know...Im on under the same name look for me k????? Have a great St Pattys Day!!!!!

What's crackin. Well it's Monday night and im going out to the Gst Pub tonight to sing some Karokee. I always sing Johnny Cash "Burning Ring Of Fire" Thank you. So last night was fucking crazy. Ive had sex infront of people before, but I just met this girl and Ive only have hung out with her for a few days now. So last night...
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Sounds like your in love. Hope your VD was as good was the day before.
sounds like your having alot of fun..
What's crackin? Well I just got home from Seattle/Tacoma area. I had a blast. It was soooo much fun up there. I like got drunk evrey night, it was retarted. Anywho Im back here in Davis, CA. I had sex last night with a friend of mine. She was drunk dialing I think and she came over after I got back from the bars. I...
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Feb. 19. IHOP then some other place. It's in SGSAC group.
happy Valentines day!!

What's crackin? Well my best friend Christian just flew into California from Germany the other day. We partied it up for a few days in and around Sac Town. Then we took a flight up here to the Seattle/Tacoma area. Yeah we met up with our best friend Chad. So we went out last night to a couple of bars. I sang a little Karokee....
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ha..ha... I just read you drink sailor jerrys, thats funny, thats all my roomates drink...
Yeah, That movie was funny but my room mates quote it all the time. That kind of ruins it. You all act the same. I live w/ 3 male crew chiefs.

What's crackin? Just chillin myself. Is anybody on here on myspace beside's firecracker surfgirl from FLA? Let me know and I'll add ya.
im on my space too but im never on there im always on here
no im not on myspace...I really wouldnt get anything done ...Hope your having a great weekend...posted new pics if you care to check em out!

Hey what's crackin? Well New Year's eve has come and gone. I didnt do shit for New Year's. I just stayed home and had a couple of Sailor Jerry's and coke's. I had to work the next day, booooooooo. So I have this friend named Hiedi and evrey time we hang out she flirt's with me and then at the end of the night she...
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awe your so cool how could anyone resist you...but guess everyone hits that dry though...
Yeah what the fuck...thats kinnda lame ....maybe she thinks your not into her or she might be waiting on you to make the first move..Hell I dont understand bitches & I am one!hahahaha
Sorry to hear about the foot...but Spain sounds awsome ...Ive got to get there one of these days...
Well good luck with the booty search!
Yeah what the fuck...thats kinnda lame ....maybe she thinks your not into her or she might be waiting on you to make the first move..Hell I dont understand bitches & I am one!hahahaha

Sorry to hear about the foot...but Spain sounds awsome ...Ive got to get there one of these days...
Well good luck with the booty search!

Yeah, I once hit a dry spell of 6 months. I think I was literally going insane... well it could also have been from repeatedly staying awake for days to a week and a half. yeah it sucked.
Yeah girls suck. But by right girl, do you mean easy?
It would be great for you to come to the party. I just don't know how it's going to be. There will be people from my wifes work and maybe a few relatives of a couple of friends. Either way it will be fun, it just may not be the "hey let's all get wasted and naked" fun that most people want.
I am probably only going to invite a couple of more people from SG, I think there will be a limit on the amount of people that go.
Yeah girls suck. But by right girl, do you mean easy?
It would be great for you to come to the party. I just don't know how it's going to be. There will be people from my wifes work and maybe a few relatives of a couple of friends. Either way it will be fun, it just may not be the "hey let's all get wasted and naked" fun that most people want.
I am probably only going to invite a couple of more people from SG, I think there will be a limit on the amount of people that go.