Last Saturday I was part of Capitan Menganno's ("Captain Everydayman" for the lack of a better translation) blood donation campaign at Garrahan Hospital.
Garrahan Hospital is one of the biggest children's hospitals, if not the biggest in Argentina. It was my first time donating there and I was amazed to see such a huge hemotherapy centre.
Menganno's campaign called for us, regular Joes and Janes to dress up and donate superhero blood for the little ones. I didn't get to wear any costume but I wore my Suicide Girls t-shirt. Can't go wrong giving Suicide Girl blood to kids, right?
It was an amazing afternoon. I was delighted to give blood right next to Batman and Robin. And if that wasn't rewarding enough, I was also able to register as a bone marrow donor . I had immense fun with all of these masked heroes and heroines, explaining to them that I was actually a villain in disguise but you know... for the kids.
I went home happy but feeling I could do more. It's moments like this that make me very proud to say I have no tattoos and don't plan on getting any. By law I'd have to wait a whole year after getting a tattoo in order to donate blood, bone marrow and such. I think the time frame is exaggerated, but as it is I'm happy to give what I can for those in need. Specially when I don't have much to begin with!
Thanks so much, Capitan Menganno!