So... I'm alive.
After hitting the ER almost daily last week, I think made it.
So, what in fucking fuck did I have?
I'm not sure. My best guess is gastroenterocolitis, but the doctors weren't really sure as all of my tests (and I had tons done) came out clear.
It all came to the point when I became fed up with the doctors wild guesses and decided I'd just rest and... diet (not that I had much of a choice).
That's the only positive outcome from such an awfull time: I lost some good weight.
On the other hand, after so many absences I might not be able to keep up with one of my courses. But we'll see.
As it is, I'm glad to be back. Gotta lot to catch up with.
After hitting the ER almost daily last week, I think made it.
So, what in fucking fuck did I have?
I'm not sure. My best guess is gastroenterocolitis, but the doctors weren't really sure as all of my tests (and I had tons done) came out clear.
It all came to the point when I became fed up with the doctors wild guesses and decided I'd just rest and... diet (not that I had much of a choice).
That's the only positive outcome from such an awfull time: I lost some good weight.
On the other hand, after so many absences I might not be able to keep up with one of my courses. But we'll see.
As it is, I'm glad to be back. Gotta lot to catch up with.
you always have to know where your towel is
Ay mujer! La prxima vez te rapto el nio; me dej con el instinto maternal a flor de piel! Es absolutamente adorable, uno de los chicos mejor portados y ms compaero con los papis que he conocido en mi vida.

uno para cada uno