Thanks everyone for the "get well" wishes. I really need them!
So after I posted yesterday's blog, I ended up going to the ER.
I had a nasty fever and everything hurt SO MUCH!
They hooked me to an IV full of painkillers and things got quite better, although I think that was the most painful IV I've ever had stuck into my arm. The most annoying part was when I the nurse told me "your arm doesn't hurt".
Excuse me Mr. Fat and Ugly Male Nurse, I know exactly where I hurt thank you very much!
On the other hand, the nurse that extracted my blood was a total doll.
So at 2 in the morning, after 4 hours in the ER, 3 doctors, X-Rays, blood and urine tests, 500 ml of fluids and some painkillers they sent me home, with the promise I'd return in the morning for an eco (because the person who does them had already gone home).
Today things aren't much better. I spiked a fever early in the morning and my tummy still hates me (not to mention barely slept). It's midday, I still gotta get that eco done and I'm feeling like shit.
I already took some painkillers. Can I have some hugs?
So after I posted yesterday's blog, I ended up going to the ER.
I had a nasty fever and everything hurt SO MUCH!

They hooked me to an IV full of painkillers and things got quite better, although I think that was the most painful IV I've ever had stuck into my arm. The most annoying part was when I the nurse told me "your arm doesn't hurt".
Excuse me Mr. Fat and Ugly Male Nurse, I know exactly where I hurt thank you very much!

On the other hand, the nurse that extracted my blood was a total doll.

So at 2 in the morning, after 4 hours in the ER, 3 doctors, X-Rays, blood and urine tests, 500 ml of fluids and some painkillers they sent me home, with the promise I'd return in the morning for an eco (because the person who does them had already gone home).
Today things aren't much better. I spiked a fever early in the morning and my tummy still hates me (not to mention barely slept). It's midday, I still gotta get that eco done and I'm feeling like shit.
I already took some painkillers. Can I have some hugs?

Te mando un besito curativo volador made in Uruguay 

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