This is going to be a long week. On top of all the normal school stuff for the week my parents, my boy's brother and one of his friends are all coming to visit plus our new roomie moves in this weekend. It really seems like everytime one person decides to come down, a whole slew of people decide to come.
My fiancee and I haven't really done anything together in sometime now. A few days ago we decided we really needed to get out and do something, have a date. We made plans to go out and see a movie and then have a night to ourselves at home. Three days in a row something has come up. I'm getting so frustrated. I admit that it's been partly my fault too, I did fall asleep once right before we were gonna leave, but for the most part it's been that he answers the damn phone everytime it rings. It just totally ruins the mood when you leave me in the middle of something to answer the phone and talk to your friends for 2 hours. I hate the phone.
My fiancee and I haven't really done anything together in sometime now. A few days ago we decided we really needed to get out and do something, have a date. We made plans to go out and see a movie and then have a night to ourselves at home. Three days in a row something has come up. I'm getting so frustrated. I admit that it's been partly my fault too, I did fall asleep once right before we were gonna leave, but for the most part it's been that he answers the damn phone everytime it rings. It just totally ruins the mood when you leave me in the middle of something to answer the phone and talk to your friends for 2 hours. I hate the phone.

Agreed, Mondays suck.