Finally finished my new 3-D project, except for the sewing part, but I'll be glad to do that part now. I have literally been working until my hands bled the last few days. They look like crap now since they're basically shredded from working with sheet metal. I'm having slight trouble driving because the palms of my hands are bruised (stick shift), but somehow the work felt really great to do. Interesting revelation, doing back breaking labour until my muscles give out everyday does great things for my stress level and I sure have been sleeping great. Wouldn't want to do this for life, but for a few days it hasn't been to bad. After putting in around 300 rivets by hand though I'm thinking I may invest in some sort of power tool before I try and take on a project this ambitous again.
I must say that this project has done wonders for my sex life even if my body is worse for the wear. Coming home exhausted and aching is one easy way to convince the boyfriend to provide full body massages which always seem to lead to other things.
I must say that this project has done wonders for my sex life even if my body is worse for the wear. Coming home exhausted and aching is one easy way to convince the boyfriend to provide full body massages which always seem to lead to other things.