Am more awake this morning and hoping for a better day (not that it could be worse than yesterday without someone dying). I'm rather tired still but am halfway through my week so rather sure I'll make it. I get a 4 day weekend this week! My parents want me to drive up to Atlanta to visit, but that's not going to happen. Besides the fact that I don't have that much spare gas money that trip just ruins a weekend. A 4 hour drive doesn't sound like it would be that horrible, but it's a long ass drive and then you've gotta drive back. Ah well, off to class (hopefully with all my stuff).
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Saturday Jan 17, 2009
Wow do some of the local laws here suck. I'm looking for a spot to ha… -
Sunday Jan 11, 2009
Ah, home sweet home again. It's so much warmer down here than it is i… -
Tuesday Dec 30, 2008
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Friday Dec 19, 2008
Working at home is great until that moment you realize that it's real… -
Thursday Dec 18, 2008
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Saturday Nov 29, 2008
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Monday Nov 24, 2008
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Thursday Nov 20, 2008
My baby cousin seems very, very excited that I'm having a baby so clo… -
Tuesday Nov 18, 2008
Today is checkup day for the baby. No ultrasound today, but I'll get … -
Tuesday Nov 11, 2008
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