Not much going on lately. Work stuff is going smooth and uneventful, aside from getting a big article about one of my projects in one of the local papers. Other than that, things are running so easily and on schedule that it's almost boring. I suppose that's a good thing. It leaves me time to start on other things I've been wanting to do.
I'm up in Atlanta this weekend, but I doubt I'll go out and do anything. I pretty much just picked up work and moved to another city to do it for a few days. My family is having a big birthday party for my mom (and some others with January birthdays, but I'm trying hard to ignore that part) on Saturday. I pretty much just hitched a ride up with her since she was just coming home for a few days and then has to go back to Savannah. I miss the hubby, but this also spares me going insane during the last few days of him being on night shift for January. I hate night shift months so much.
I'm up in Atlanta this weekend, but I doubt I'll go out and do anything. I pretty much just picked up work and moved to another city to do it for a few days. My family is having a big birthday party for my mom (and some others with January birthdays, but I'm trying hard to ignore that part) on Saturday. I pretty much just hitched a ride up with her since she was just coming home for a few days and then has to go back to Savannah. I miss the hubby, but this also spares me going insane during the last few days of him being on night shift for January. I hate night shift months so much.
I'm actually applying to the Masters in the Art of Teaching program at SCAD. I have a BFA in Graphic Design from RISD, but I do love photography
Thanks again!
SCAD is my #1, so I'm crossing my fingers. Unfortunately, they require a 15-20pg research paper. I didn't do one during my undergraduate, so I'm trying to write one now. It's not going so well. I still think it's a ridiculous requirement.
Thanks again for all of the info. I really do appreciate it. You also seem like you have a realistic outlook on SCAD. So many people have tried to discourage me from going to one school or another because they had a bad personal experience there. It's nice to get an impartial opinion.