Today is checkup day for the baby. No ultrasound today, but I'll get to hear his/her little heartbeat.
Also, we finally got enough stuff unpacked that I can move freely around the apartment without banging into boxes or having to try to squeeze between them. We still have an entire room that we can't use because it's stacked floor to ceiling with boxes, but it was a start. We've been here for almost two months so far, but with the morning sickness it was rather difficult to go through everything.
I'm finding it really amazing how hard it is for friends and family to grasp the concept of us not wanting all this stuff. The way some of the family in particular has been acting, you'd think I had packed the hubby or the baby in those boxes going to Goodwill. Really, I always knew on some level that we're a fairly materialistic society, but for fucks sake, I'm not throwing away family photos or anything, I just do NOT see why two people with one bed need ten sets of sheets, enough towels to run a spa, extra furniture that serves no real purpose to us beyond being an empty surface for junk mail to accumulate on, etc.
My father in particular got very upset with me because I wouldn't go through everything in the whole apartment while they were visiting, saying he'd take care of the stuff that didn't fit at the new place. I didn't immediately grasp the subtle word usage of things that "didn't fit", rather than stuff we didn't want and/or wouldn't use for one reason or another. I didn't figure out until right as they were leaving when he kind of chewed me out for not getting it done in time for them to haul everything for me that he did NOT mean haul to Goodwill (which I thought was nice of him, but we could just take whatever we didn't get to before they leave ourselves). No, he meant hauling all of this crap back to Atlanta to store in their basement until we wanted it again.
Family seems to assume for some reason, which I've never figured out, that we're really badly off. We're not exactly loaded, but we do okay. As a result, I'm able to buy most of the stuff I want, though occasionally I may have to save up for it for a bit, or take a couple of extra jobs that month. Really though, it's not a bad at all. Yet, somehow when it comes to the family deciding who needs the hand me downs, we always seem to come up top of the list. As a result, I have received in the last few years a MASSIVE amount of stuff we don't need. This includes but is not limited to nearly 20 laundry baskets (literally, I have them in stacks), 3 blenders (which is extra ridiculous since I have an amazing Kitchen Aide one that everyone always ooo's and aah's over when visiting, but forgets about when they leave apparently), 4 crockpots, at least 6 small, bathroom sized trashcans, 2 dressers, 2 side tables, more shower curtains than I can count, and so on. It's ridiculous! And I would think it was nice if it was just offered and I could politely refuse, but no, they just send stuff, or wrap them up as Christmas gifts (giving your used junk as Christmas presents is really trashy in my opinion, especially given how much of this has been broken to some degree, dirty, or mildewed).
And yes, this probably sounds like the pinnacle of being ungrateful, but every time I go through ten boxes and realize that 7-8 of them are packed with stuff that is just taking up space because I've felt bad about sending "gifts" to Goodwill up until now, it starts to get a little infuriating. During morning sickness I couldn't even get to the bathroom sometimes for all the boxes of this crap, so now that I'm able to think more than vomit, it's just really frustrating.
I can't wait to have all the stuff we don't need gone.

Also, we finally got enough stuff unpacked that I can move freely around the apartment without banging into boxes or having to try to squeeze between them. We still have an entire room that we can't use because it's stacked floor to ceiling with boxes, but it was a start. We've been here for almost two months so far, but with the morning sickness it was rather difficult to go through everything.
I'm finding it really amazing how hard it is for friends and family to grasp the concept of us not wanting all this stuff. The way some of the family in particular has been acting, you'd think I had packed the hubby or the baby in those boxes going to Goodwill. Really, I always knew on some level that we're a fairly materialistic society, but for fucks sake, I'm not throwing away family photos or anything, I just do NOT see why two people with one bed need ten sets of sheets, enough towels to run a spa, extra furniture that serves no real purpose to us beyond being an empty surface for junk mail to accumulate on, etc.
My father in particular got very upset with me because I wouldn't go through everything in the whole apartment while they were visiting, saying he'd take care of the stuff that didn't fit at the new place. I didn't immediately grasp the subtle word usage of things that "didn't fit", rather than stuff we didn't want and/or wouldn't use for one reason or another. I didn't figure out until right as they were leaving when he kind of chewed me out for not getting it done in time for them to haul everything for me that he did NOT mean haul to Goodwill (which I thought was nice of him, but we could just take whatever we didn't get to before they leave ourselves). No, he meant hauling all of this crap back to Atlanta to store in their basement until we wanted it again.
Family seems to assume for some reason, which I've never figured out, that we're really badly off. We're not exactly loaded, but we do okay. As a result, I'm able to buy most of the stuff I want, though occasionally I may have to save up for it for a bit, or take a couple of extra jobs that month. Really though, it's not a bad at all. Yet, somehow when it comes to the family deciding who needs the hand me downs, we always seem to come up top of the list. As a result, I have received in the last few years a MASSIVE amount of stuff we don't need. This includes but is not limited to nearly 20 laundry baskets (literally, I have them in stacks), 3 blenders (which is extra ridiculous since I have an amazing Kitchen Aide one that everyone always ooo's and aah's over when visiting, but forgets about when they leave apparently), 4 crockpots, at least 6 small, bathroom sized trashcans, 2 dressers, 2 side tables, more shower curtains than I can count, and so on. It's ridiculous! And I would think it was nice if it was just offered and I could politely refuse, but no, they just send stuff, or wrap them up as Christmas gifts (giving your used junk as Christmas presents is really trashy in my opinion, especially given how much of this has been broken to some degree, dirty, or mildewed).
And yes, this probably sounds like the pinnacle of being ungrateful, but every time I go through ten boxes and realize that 7-8 of them are packed with stuff that is just taking up space because I've felt bad about sending "gifts" to Goodwill up until now, it starts to get a little infuriating. During morning sickness I couldn't even get to the bathroom sometimes for all the boxes of this crap, so now that I'm able to think more than vomit, it's just really frustrating.
I can't wait to have all the stuff we don't need gone.
I hope your Drs Apt went well...