My date from Wens. that I was starting to worry had up and disappeared finally got back to me. Made my day incredibly better. Even better than that, the king of assholes is finally moving out and, should his insane spending habits continue to keep him here (seriously.. who the fuck bitches about not having money for the deposit on the new place, and, in almost the same breath adds that he's going to go ahead and out to the bar with the guys from work?!), Ithras and I should be moving in a couple of weeks as well. I'm hoping that once forced to live alone for a bit he'll grow up, at least a little. I am sort of expecting him to end up moving back in with his parents in a few months though once he falls behind in rent with someone who doesn't give a damn why he doesn't have the money, just that he doesn't. He's paid rent here twice in a year and a half...

"I go Saturdays"- Tyler Durdin
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