Going home for a visit next weekend. My drawing professor is having a big show in Carrolton that I really want to see. It's all huge pastel drawings inspired by kungfu/ wire-fu movies and the ones I've seen are gorgeous. I can't wait! He's absolutely amazing. He has such an instinct for design and color theory. It's amazing really. Not to mention he's so fast. I love watching him draw. Full color, fully (and beautifully) rendered pastel paintings in a matter of hours!
I may also be finally getting atleast the outline of my tattoo done while I'm there. All dependent upon artist availability, but I've got my fingers crossed. Yay for Valentines Day presents!
I may also be finally getting atleast the outline of my tattoo done while I'm there. All dependent upon artist availability, but I've got my fingers crossed. Yay for Valentines Day presents!
Hooray indeed!
So did you ever get your outline done for your tattoo?