All the holidays are over and it's back to school. Classes are looking good this quarter. My art history professor missed the first class so I have no clue about her, but the subject sounds really interesting so I think I'll like it even if she's horrid. I've got my favorite drawing professor for the third quarter in a row. At the first class he was showing us examples of what he expected for the first project and three or four of the examples were my work from summer. I was so flattered.
I guess the main reason I take him now though isn't just because I think he really knows what he's doing, but at this point he knows what I can do and seems to have a good idea of how to push me. I also have a lot of respect for him for not dodging around the point when he thinks I'm half-assing something and coming straight out and telling me he expects better. I get so tired of teachers that sort of try and correct you, but just don't really want to come out and tell you that you're doing it wrong.
I went to SCAD. What's your major?
Glad I did though.
I wish I was back in school, I miss it.
Oh, right, Hello