I had my second arthroscopic hip surgery one week ago. Apparently things were far worse than I thought. My cartilage is in BAD shape. My doctor said when he was trying to remove the torn cartilage, the remaining cartilage was just flaking off. From my understanding, your body cannot produce more cartilage, it can just repair what you have. To help repair what little cartilage I have left, the surgeon decided to drill two small holes in my bone and the blood from that would help my cartilage. In order for that to work, I have to be on crutches for SIX WHOLE WEEKS. That is an eternity, as far as i am concerned!!!! Today is the first day that I have done some walking (had to go out of town because my Grandfather died) and my underarms are completely raw from the crutches rubbing on them. And that is just after one day!!! The doc also said I have arthritis and that if i injure my hip again, i will need a hip replacement. FUCK, I am only 27! I thought only old people and atheletes had hip problems....

he isnt sure without knowing your history but if you have avascular necrosis, or aseptic necrosis then what they are doing is a core decompression to stimulate blood flow. It could be the right thing to do, again without knowing your history. He does suggest getting a second opinion from a joint specialist, and he can give you some names up there or in Houston if you want. it could be trauma, or congenital or even caused by iv drug use. if you want to email me your file or a brief history I can get you a better explanation. Good luck sugar.

I really want to put the words to Girl Hunt on either my profile here or myspace. Good luck with the hip. I will have to replace my knees one day. Scary thought...