Ever have one of those days when nothing goes right? I seem to be having more and more of them!
Today I woke up late and missed 30 minutes of my class. Not good! I am a very audible learner, so I absolutely have to be in lecture to understand the info. And then I come to find out we get no review for the upcoming tests on monday and tuesday. Grrr....We are discussing the brain, which I find very interesting.
Anywho, I'm trying to stay positive. If I can just make it through one more semester of this and I'll be good. Oh, and no more 8 am classes for me! This week has been bad, sleepwise. Only like 4 hours of sleep a night. Oh well, what i'm doing instead of sleep is better
I am more functional than I thought I'd be on this much sleep!
Yesterday was a bad day at work. They ran me ragged! I had to run around the hospital, and our machines kept going down on the cardiac tower, where I was delivering (which happens to be the farthest away from the pharmacy, it takes almost 7 minutes to walk there). That really sucks!
I wish i could take a vacation from my life. I think I might go chill in california for a few days....
over and out

Today I woke up late and missed 30 minutes of my class. Not good! I am a very audible learner, so I absolutely have to be in lecture to understand the info. And then I come to find out we get no review for the upcoming tests on monday and tuesday. Grrr....We are discussing the brain, which I find very interesting.
Anywho, I'm trying to stay positive. If I can just make it through one more semester of this and I'll be good. Oh, and no more 8 am classes for me! This week has been bad, sleepwise. Only like 4 hours of sleep a night. Oh well, what i'm doing instead of sleep is better

Yesterday was a bad day at work. They ran me ragged! I had to run around the hospital, and our machines kept going down on the cardiac tower, where I was delivering (which happens to be the farthest away from the pharmacy, it takes almost 7 minutes to walk there). That really sucks!
I wish i could take a vacation from my life. I think I might go chill in california for a few days....

over and out
peace babe