Alright, it is officially get humpin'
I need a nap! Grrr..
I am off today!
It is quite a relief to have a day off during the week. The last two weeks have been hellacious. They went like this: wake up at 545 to be at school at 8am (it is about an hour drive)....get out of class at 10 or 1230 depending on the day...then go to work from 230 to 11pm...get home at 1150 go to bed by 1230 or 1am...rinse, lather, repeat...
It wouldn't be so bad I guess if I didn't have such a drive from home to school and from work home. When I do have a break, I don't get to go home and chill because it takes an hour to get home and an hour to get to work. If only i lived closer....oh well, whatcha going to do, right?
I hate texas. I hate texas because of the weather and the abundance of close-minded people (damn jerkfaces). The heat kills me. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't humid as all fuck.
One of my biggest pet peeves (besides the, did/does that hurt) is when someone sees you have tattoos and they ASSUME that you want to see their crappy tattoo!
Ok, sorry i'm in a bad mood....forgive my rants
I am excited that i get to see what my artist drew up for my next tattoo!
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
my answer: South America or India
I need a nap! Grrr..
I am off today!

It wouldn't be so bad I guess if I didn't have such a drive from home to school and from work home. When I do have a break, I don't get to go home and chill because it takes an hour to get home and an hour to get to work. If only i lived closer....oh well, whatcha going to do, right?
I hate texas. I hate texas because of the weather and the abundance of close-minded people (damn jerkfaces). The heat kills me. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't humid as all fuck.
One of my biggest pet peeves (besides the, did/does that hurt) is when someone sees you have tattoos and they ASSUME that you want to see their crappy tattoo!
Ok, sorry i'm in a bad mood....forgive my rants
I am excited that i get to see what my artist drew up for my next tattoo!
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
my answer: South America or India