It's literally been 3 months since I last updated this blog. That's weird. It's not like I've even been ridiculously busy or anything, and I still visit the site on a daily basis. Oh well. Time for an update. I'll try to squeeze the best of the last 3 months into a decent size, one that won't drive you crazy with boredom.
I finished that batch of beer in my previous blog and I got nothing but good reviews from people that drank it. I think I liked my first batch, the California Common, better but this was still really good. I never came up with a label. I know there were some good suggestions out there but I never bothered to sit down and design a label. DUFF would have been funny, and FUDD would have been a little more witty to the real Simspons nerds out there but at the end of the day I was just lazy. Or maybe I was just drunk from all the beer. I don't know, haha.
I moved into a much better apartment at the beginning of June. I'm still in Seattle and I have 2 roommates who I met while studying abroad in France last year. They did the same program I did with Seattle U and when they offered me a room I could not resist. We get along great and so far there have not been any fights. Not even a little argument. It's a great place to be.
I officially graduated Seattle University with a BA in English/Creative Writing on June 14th. A lot of my family came up from California and attended the ceremony. I hope it wasn't too boring for them. I thought it was relatively short for the amount of students walking but then again I only have 2 other ceremonies that I can compare it to. I purposely did not pay a whole lot of attention to the president while he was speaking. or some reason I thought it would be funny to pull out my phone and just start surfing and texting while he was talking. It was super nerdy and I looked like I was glued to the phone but it was worth it to keep from falling asleep during his speech.
The jobs are treating me well. I'm still working for the Mariners but since my job is at the Nintendo Fan Network kiosk I'm trying to bump my way in somewhere at Nintendo of America. There's a position open right now that I've applied for and now I've got my fingers crossed, wish me luck!
At the end of June me and Jenn road tripped from Seattle to San Francisco to visit an old High School friend of mine. We stayed with her and her husband for the weekend and had a great time. They were more than generous in putting us up and feeding us all weekend and we had fun going out too. We went to ghirardelli square for one of the best ice cream sundaes I've ever had. It was topped with chocolate sauce and mixed with peanut butter. Delicious. We also went to the Buena Vista Cafe for the world famous Irish Coffee and it was worth the trip. I told my friends that I was not sure I had ever had a real Irish Coffee before going to that place.
San Francisco was also where I saw warped tour this year.

Punk Rock Karaoke, Big D, Anti-Flag, Bad Religion, and NOFX were among the best acts of the day. but TSOL and the Adolescents were there too. It was a great show, I'm glad we caught it in San Fran too. I always like checking out new venues and seeing the show on the pier was a great time. Another cool thing about that weekend is the fact that it was Gay Pride weekend. Me and Jenn checked out the party at the Castro District and had lunch at Harvey's, a restaurant named after Harvey Milk. I'm a little disappointed in myself for not knowing who Milk was before the movie came out last year, but I guess it's better late then never.
June was a busy month but July and August have been much more relaxed. I went back to CA for 1 week to go to my friend Nathan's wedding. It was a great ceremony and I'm really happy for him and his new wife Kelly. The rest of the week I stayed around Whittier and caught up with old friends. It was good to see everyone again. I hope it's not long before I see them again.
Last Night me and a freind went to go see Rifftrax live. It was awesome. I forgot how funny those guys from Mystery Science Theater could be. They made fun of Plan 9 from outer space and it was hysterical. We got some free downloads for attending, like a short film and a couple of pictures of the cast. Fun Stuff.
That's everything major that's happened since I last wrote. A lot of fun and hopefully it won't be as long before the next update. There are a lot of shows and events coming up that I'm looking forward to a lot, such as the evening with Kevin Smith, Demetri Martin, Patton Oswalt, Bad Brains, Dethklok, and the nerdiest one of all, Star Wars Concert Live! I'd love to be able to make it out to all of the above. I'll let you know when I do. Thanks for reading!
I finished that batch of beer in my previous blog and I got nothing but good reviews from people that drank it. I think I liked my first batch, the California Common, better but this was still really good. I never came up with a label. I know there were some good suggestions out there but I never bothered to sit down and design a label. DUFF would have been funny, and FUDD would have been a little more witty to the real Simspons nerds out there but at the end of the day I was just lazy. Or maybe I was just drunk from all the beer. I don't know, haha.
I moved into a much better apartment at the beginning of June. I'm still in Seattle and I have 2 roommates who I met while studying abroad in France last year. They did the same program I did with Seattle U and when they offered me a room I could not resist. We get along great and so far there have not been any fights. Not even a little argument. It's a great place to be.
I officially graduated Seattle University with a BA in English/Creative Writing on June 14th. A lot of my family came up from California and attended the ceremony. I hope it wasn't too boring for them. I thought it was relatively short for the amount of students walking but then again I only have 2 other ceremonies that I can compare it to. I purposely did not pay a whole lot of attention to the president while he was speaking. or some reason I thought it would be funny to pull out my phone and just start surfing and texting while he was talking. It was super nerdy and I looked like I was glued to the phone but it was worth it to keep from falling asleep during his speech.
The jobs are treating me well. I'm still working for the Mariners but since my job is at the Nintendo Fan Network kiosk I'm trying to bump my way in somewhere at Nintendo of America. There's a position open right now that I've applied for and now I've got my fingers crossed, wish me luck!
At the end of June me and Jenn road tripped from Seattle to San Francisco to visit an old High School friend of mine. We stayed with her and her husband for the weekend and had a great time. They were more than generous in putting us up and feeding us all weekend and we had fun going out too. We went to ghirardelli square for one of the best ice cream sundaes I've ever had. It was topped with chocolate sauce and mixed with peanut butter. Delicious. We also went to the Buena Vista Cafe for the world famous Irish Coffee and it was worth the trip. I told my friends that I was not sure I had ever had a real Irish Coffee before going to that place.
San Francisco was also where I saw warped tour this year.

Punk Rock Karaoke, Big D, Anti-Flag, Bad Religion, and NOFX were among the best acts of the day. but TSOL and the Adolescents were there too. It was a great show, I'm glad we caught it in San Fran too. I always like checking out new venues and seeing the show on the pier was a great time. Another cool thing about that weekend is the fact that it was Gay Pride weekend. Me and Jenn checked out the party at the Castro District and had lunch at Harvey's, a restaurant named after Harvey Milk. I'm a little disappointed in myself for not knowing who Milk was before the movie came out last year, but I guess it's better late then never.
June was a busy month but July and August have been much more relaxed. I went back to CA for 1 week to go to my friend Nathan's wedding. It was a great ceremony and I'm really happy for him and his new wife Kelly. The rest of the week I stayed around Whittier and caught up with old friends. It was good to see everyone again. I hope it's not long before I see them again.
Last Night me and a freind went to go see Rifftrax live. It was awesome. I forgot how funny those guys from Mystery Science Theater could be. They made fun of Plan 9 from outer space and it was hysterical. We got some free downloads for attending, like a short film and a couple of pictures of the cast. Fun Stuff.
That's everything major that's happened since I last wrote. A lot of fun and hopefully it won't be as long before the next update. There are a lot of shows and events coming up that I'm looking forward to a lot, such as the evening with Kevin Smith, Demetri Martin, Patton Oswalt, Bad Brains, Dethklok, and the nerdiest one of all, Star Wars Concert Live! I'd love to be able to make it out to all of the above. I'll let you know when I do. Thanks for reading!
District 9 was so good! That's all I'll say for now..
Haha, yeah, Torontonian's are definitely dedicated fans.
Have a good weekend!