I was going to update my blog after Mat left but I just got caught up with work and a few other projects that I flat out forgot until now. First of all, Mat's trip was a lot of fun. He got up here and stayed over Easter weekend. We didn't realize it was Easter weekend though until he got here, kind of funny on our part. He called home to talk to his family and commented on the fact that a lot of businesses stayed open on Easter sunday. His sister said it was because "there aren't a lot of Jesus peeps up here." This immediately gave Mat the idea of one of those candy marshmallow peeps in the shape of Jesus, which then lead to a new phrase, "Jesus peep was microwaved for your sins." That weekend we also got all messed up and went to a Pink Floyd laser show. We wanted to be very unoriginal in our experiences, haha. It was awesome.
Since I last wrote I also started working with the Nintendo Fan Network. It's actually a pretty good job and I haven't had any really stupid customers either. I like working at the stadium where I can be around the Mariners games but I have to say the people who work for parking are ruthless. I've decided to drive to work twice so far and both times it's been a disaster. The first time I showed up to the lot and they said I was too late, all the employee spots had been taken so I had to go around to another lot. When I got there they told me that they couldn't give me a break so I had to pay full price, 35 fuckin bucks for parking. I was so pissed off but it was my first day at work, so I kept my cool, paid it, and then ran into work, half hour late. When I showed up I stated my case and I was told I'd be reimbursed for parking. I got over it and ended up having a decent first day. Plus the Mariners won, so that was cool. It helped everyone's mood. So I forgot all about that and went on with work for the next few days. Sunday the 19th rolls around and I thought I'd try driving again to save some time, big mistake. I get to the lot and they said that it was the lot for weekday games. Apparently there was one lot set aside for the weekend and they decided not to put that on the reference guide I was handed during training. This time I didn't keep my cool. It ended with me telling the people at the lot to fuck off as I drove past them. I did drive out, I wasn't mad enough to just leave it there and deal with getting towed but I was pretty damn close. There's a certain satisfaction that comes with telling someone to fuck off while you're in uniform and getting away with it. Serves them right, the hell with them for not giving employees breaks.
My other job and my volunteer gig are going great. I am an editor for ITV. ITV is a small independent production company that airs on Fox affiliates Friday nights here in Washington. If you live outside the area, you can still watch on the podcast, just go to itunes and search ITV. Sorry, I have to plug it there. I've been working for a month and a half now and it's a fun project. I edit a lot of interviews, all with musicians and DJs and the episodes I've worked on will begin airing in June. That means this summer my name will start to show up in the credits. As for volunteering I put in time at the Northwest Film Forum. I just do some desk work at the office, nothing terribly exciting. The cool thing is that every hour you volunteer is 5 bucks towards either membership, equipment rental, or a class. I think I'm going to take a class with the credit I earn. We'll see what courses are offered this summer. In my spare time I pulled out the old home brewing kit and started a batch of irish Red. I had a great start and I'll take pictures during the bottling process. It should be ready by the end of May!
One last thing, I started my own little business. That's right, I can transfer home movies from VHS to DVD now. I charge 15 bucks per DVD and a lot of my parents friends are already interested.
I haven't been on the site much lately but I'm looking forward to the new sets from misa_. I also like the set in MR from odry.
That's about it for now, Thanks for reading! This was a long one, If you made it to the end I'll buy you a coke.
Since I last wrote I also started working with the Nintendo Fan Network. It's actually a pretty good job and I haven't had any really stupid customers either. I like working at the stadium where I can be around the Mariners games but I have to say the people who work for parking are ruthless. I've decided to drive to work twice so far and both times it's been a disaster. The first time I showed up to the lot and they said I was too late, all the employee spots had been taken so I had to go around to another lot. When I got there they told me that they couldn't give me a break so I had to pay full price, 35 fuckin bucks for parking. I was so pissed off but it was my first day at work, so I kept my cool, paid it, and then ran into work, half hour late. When I showed up I stated my case and I was told I'd be reimbursed for parking. I got over it and ended up having a decent first day. Plus the Mariners won, so that was cool. It helped everyone's mood. So I forgot all about that and went on with work for the next few days. Sunday the 19th rolls around and I thought I'd try driving again to save some time, big mistake. I get to the lot and they said that it was the lot for weekday games. Apparently there was one lot set aside for the weekend and they decided not to put that on the reference guide I was handed during training. This time I didn't keep my cool. It ended with me telling the people at the lot to fuck off as I drove past them. I did drive out, I wasn't mad enough to just leave it there and deal with getting towed but I was pretty damn close. There's a certain satisfaction that comes with telling someone to fuck off while you're in uniform and getting away with it. Serves them right, the hell with them for not giving employees breaks.
My other job and my volunteer gig are going great. I am an editor for ITV. ITV is a small independent production company that airs on Fox affiliates Friday nights here in Washington. If you live outside the area, you can still watch on the podcast, just go to itunes and search ITV. Sorry, I have to plug it there. I've been working for a month and a half now and it's a fun project. I edit a lot of interviews, all with musicians and DJs and the episodes I've worked on will begin airing in June. That means this summer my name will start to show up in the credits. As for volunteering I put in time at the Northwest Film Forum. I just do some desk work at the office, nothing terribly exciting. The cool thing is that every hour you volunteer is 5 bucks towards either membership, equipment rental, or a class. I think I'm going to take a class with the credit I earn. We'll see what courses are offered this summer. In my spare time I pulled out the old home brewing kit and started a batch of irish Red. I had a great start and I'll take pictures during the bottling process. It should be ready by the end of May!
One last thing, I started my own little business. That's right, I can transfer home movies from VHS to DVD now. I charge 15 bucks per DVD and a lot of my parents friends are already interested.
I haven't been on the site much lately but I'm looking forward to the new sets from misa_. I also like the set in MR from odry.
That's about it for now, Thanks for reading! This was a long one, If you made it to the end I'll buy you a coke.
Holy fuck 35$ for parking + plus all the other parking nonsense?
What sort of DJ'a will you be interviewing..?
BTW You owe me a coke.