It's been a long time since I wrote a blog. There's a lot to tell, and whoever reads it, I hope you enjoy it. So on November 18th I became an official Home Brewer. A while ago I went to an auction where one of the prizes was a couple of home brewing lessons. I bid, and got into a good old-fashioned war with another lady. I won and I got to pick the kind of beer to brew and I also get to keep a case of the beer (about 50 bottles) when they're all done. I'm brewing a steamer called California Common. The home brew professional told me that it would be like a lager but brewed at temperatures where you would normally brew an ale. I'm new to these specifics but I'm having fun with it. I chose the Steamer because one of my favorite beers is Anchor Steam. Hopefully mine can compare, though on a first attempt that would be doubtful. I'm bottling the beer on Thursday, so we'll see how it goes. I have yet to give the brew a name. Any ideas? I'm completely stumped on this one.
School has kept me busy these past 3 weeks. I had the usual work load with the exception of the Thanksgiving break. I've taken tests and I've yet to get the results back and I've also been working on term papers. I just finished an evaluation of Albee's "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" I'm glad I finally got a chance to work with this piece. I have heard so much about it and I had not seen it as of the end of October. After watching it a couple times and reading the script twice as well I think I understand the play very well. I do not feel any sympathy for the characters because I think they have brought their punishments on themselves and I see where the dangers of living in illusion lie. After all was said and done, I'd recommend the play to anyone who's willing to give it a chance. My other paper is much easier to get into. For my Catholicism in film class I'm writing about the portrayal of the Catholic church and faith in South Park. I'm having a lot of fun with the research and I'm looking forward to finishing this one. I may even look into trying to get this one published.
Going back to Thanksgiving, that was a lot of fun. It's always nice to eat until you're stuffed and then sit back with a bottle and relax. This year I found a recipe for salmon/potato cakes. It was an interesting twist on a crab cake and I think they turned out well. Everyone seemed to like them too. I'd say it was successful for a first attempt.
The last thing of interest I've done recently is go to see Cheech and Chong. Over the summer when I heard they had gotten back together and started touring I knew I had to go. Tickets were expensive but when I knew I could afford it I bought a couple of balcony seats for the second show. It didn't disappoint. They did all the classic skits, they re-enacted the hitchhiking scene from "Up in smoke." They played Let's make a dope deal. They acted like dogs in the park. Red Nicky and Blind Melon came out and sang a few songs. Then they ended with the songs "Mexican American" and "Up in Smoke." My only complaint is that T-shirts were 40 bucks, just 5 bucks less than the tickets. That was crazy, I skipped the merch stand. The show was great though and I'm glad i went. Who knows when they're going to tour like that again.
I'll try not to wait so long before updating again. Thanks for reading!
School has kept me busy these past 3 weeks. I had the usual work load with the exception of the Thanksgiving break. I've taken tests and I've yet to get the results back and I've also been working on term papers. I just finished an evaluation of Albee's "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" I'm glad I finally got a chance to work with this piece. I have heard so much about it and I had not seen it as of the end of October. After watching it a couple times and reading the script twice as well I think I understand the play very well. I do not feel any sympathy for the characters because I think they have brought their punishments on themselves and I see where the dangers of living in illusion lie. After all was said and done, I'd recommend the play to anyone who's willing to give it a chance. My other paper is much easier to get into. For my Catholicism in film class I'm writing about the portrayal of the Catholic church and faith in South Park. I'm having a lot of fun with the research and I'm looking forward to finishing this one. I may even look into trying to get this one published.
Going back to Thanksgiving, that was a lot of fun. It's always nice to eat until you're stuffed and then sit back with a bottle and relax. This year I found a recipe for salmon/potato cakes. It was an interesting twist on a crab cake and I think they turned out well. Everyone seemed to like them too. I'd say it was successful for a first attempt.
The last thing of interest I've done recently is go to see Cheech and Chong. Over the summer when I heard they had gotten back together and started touring I knew I had to go. Tickets were expensive but when I knew I could afford it I bought a couple of balcony seats for the second show. It didn't disappoint. They did all the classic skits, they re-enacted the hitchhiking scene from "Up in smoke." They played Let's make a dope deal. They acted like dogs in the park. Red Nicky and Blind Melon came out and sang a few songs. Then they ended with the songs "Mexican American" and "Up in Smoke." My only complaint is that T-shirts were 40 bucks, just 5 bucks less than the tickets. That was crazy, I skipped the merch stand. The show was great though and I'm glad i went. Who knows when they're going to tour like that again.
I'll try not to wait so long before updating again. Thanks for reading!
Hey you I hope your finals are going well!
Thanks for the comment on my new set!