Have you ever been watching a video stream online that's just a "loading" screen? Today i was watching Dexter and the episode played for a couple minutes straight before getting really choppy. It would load for 30 seconds before giving me 10 seconds of video. It continued for about 5 minutes before I stepped outside my shoes and saw myself looking like an idiot directly at the screen with a little loop circling around the words "loading." The Bad Religion song 21st century digital boy started playing and I thought to myself, "Is this what my time is used for? Do I honestly have nothing better to do than sit in front of a computer watching a still screen while a video is buffering?" Harsh wake up call. I don't think there's anything wrong with watching a couple shows online here and there, but having to sit around and wait while they're loading might cut back the already small number of online streams I actually watch.
More Blogs
Monday Feb 23, 2009
I said I would give some updates after the party last night, so here … -
Sunday Feb 22, 2009
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Friday Feb 20, 2009
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Monday Dec 01, 2008
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Sunday Nov 09, 2008
Have you ever been watching a video stream online that's just a "load… -
Saturday Nov 08, 2008
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Monday Nov 03, 2008
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random video, random site, naked women, random site, random search, naked women, buy stuff i dont want, random site and so on...
Thats what the internet is for right?