It was 41 degrees Celsius here today and it's been stinking hot all week o_0 Man I hate summer, Ive had a sweaty bumcrack for 4 days straight now. It's horrible! Why can't it be winter all year round? And snow here in Australia! That would be awesome. In winter when you're hungover and have a massive headache you can just stick your head out the door until your face goes numb and you can't feel a thing. Everything has a sort of gray magical quality to it, there's fog in the mornings, you can see your breath in front of you, and if it gets cold you can just put layers upon layers of clothes on until you're not cold anymore. Not that it ever gets that cold in Sydney.
But in Summer once you get down to your skin there's nowhere left to go! And while summer is God's way of having a perve by having lots of scantily clad women in bikinis and short skirts walkng round everywhere at any one given time, I just don't think it's worth it. Besides, when I had a girlfriend and the mood struck half the fun was unravelling all the layers of clothing like some kind of awesome Christmas present, and it was cold enough that you could cuddle up afterwards for ages. In summer you can barely get your clothes off as they're stuck to you with sweat, and it's too hot to do ANYTHING let alone make two minutes of squelching noises
Even trying to write is hard when you're covered in sweat and feeling really drowsy from the heat, whereas when it's cold you just feel so much more awake! I wish I could move to a really cold country like Iceland, or the UK for a year.
I know I should be grateful that I live in a country that has really nice weather a lot of the time and that we're able to go swimming lots here and stuff. (But I hate going to the beach as everytime I take my shirt off people either laugh at me or try to feed me hehe). I guess it's just that time of the month and I'm on my man-rag :p
It was 41 degrees Celsius here today and it's been stinking hot all week o_0 Man I hate summer, Ive had a sweaty bumcrack for 4 days straight now. It's horrible! Why can't it be winter all year round? And snow here in Australia! That would be awesome. In winter when you're hungover and have a massive headache you can just stick your head out the door until your face goes numb and you can't feel a thing. Everything has a sort of gray magical quality to it, there's fog in the mornings, you can see your breath in front of you, and if it gets cold you can just put layers upon layers of clothes on until you're not cold anymore. Not that it ever gets that cold in Sydney.
But in Summer once you get down to your skin there's nowhere left to go! And while summer is God's way of having a perve by having lots of scantily clad women in bikinis and short skirts walkng round everywhere at any one given time, I just don't think it's worth it. Besides, when I had a girlfriend and the mood struck half the fun was unravelling all the layers of clothing like some kind of awesome Christmas present, and it was cold enough that you could cuddle up afterwards for ages. In summer you can barely get your clothes off as they're stuck to you with sweat, and it's too hot to do ANYTHING let alone make two minutes of squelching noises

I know I should be grateful that I live in a country that has really nice weather a lot of the time and that we're able to go swimming lots here and stuff. (But I hate going to the beach as everytime I take my shirt off people either laugh at me or try to feed me hehe). I guess it's just that time of the month and I'm on my man-rag :p