ROCK! I finally got a guitar!! After years of telling myself that I was too old to start learning or that I'd never be any good at it I finally went out and got one! The final straw came when I found out my aunty - who is 40 years old and decided to learn bass just 6 months ago - had her first gig the other night at the local RSL playing Rocky Horror and ABBA covers. She even dyed her hair pink and blonde for the occasion
And she loved every minute of it. So I figure if my 40 year old aunty can do it, well then why the fuck can't I?! I've decided to call my guitar Lucy, as Lucy was the name of the first girl I ever played with, and this will be the first guitar I've ever gotten to play with :p And, just like the human Lucy, I have absolutely no fucking idea what I'm doing.
Although I'm hoping I won't catch anything while I'm learning guitar :p

Although I'm hoping I won't catch anything while I'm learning guitar :p