This is a poem the crazy scotsman at the pub recited to me the other day completely out of the blue after he remarked that he hoped he didn't get caught drinking beer on the train home...and that while it was foolish, it was also fun. And while it is not as good as anything Mr. Chris Steele writes it's still pretty funny ^_^
[Well I think it's funny
"I used to climb the apple tree
and peer into the lavatory
to watch the ladies have a pee
It's foolish... but it's fun
And oh I was a sneaky one!
I'd watch the ladies wipe their bum
with toilet paper round the thumb
It's foolish... but it's fun !"
[Well I think it's funny

"I used to climb the apple tree
and peer into the lavatory
to watch the ladies have a pee
It's foolish... but it's fun
And oh I was a sneaky one!
I'd watch the ladies wipe their bum
with toilet paper round the thumb
It's foolish... but it's fun !"
you meet very odd people