Chicanery will always make you happy
I don't know if I believe in 'fate' as such... or destiny... that events are predetermined. But last night's random crazy drug fueled adventure went some way to convincing me hehe ^_^
I had to work 5 til midnight yesterday, and as I had to open the bottleshop this morning I'd planned on going straight home to bed like a good little boy so I'd be semi-fresh for work. So the witching hour rolls around, I finish up (yaaay!) and I call for a taxi home. While I was waiting I decided to have a drink. One drink became two, became three... still no cab. So I went outside to try and flag one.
So I'm standing outside trying to hail a cab when one of the locals who I've never talked to comes up beside me, also trying to get a taxi home. After an age of trying and failing to get the attention of what seems a neverending convoy of taxis out of nowhere this guy says: "Dude, you should go back inside..." as he says this the bus that I can catch home drives past on the other side of the road. I sprint after it and juuuuust miss it. Bastard driver practically closes the doors in my face. So i stomp back across and inside the pub. Fuck it. I'm going to have one more drink and then I'll start walking.
So I had oooone more drink... and as I'm on my way to the pisser to empty out before starting the long stumble home (this is the 3rd time I've tried to leave the pub) I bump into these guys I've never seen before. Turns out they've been at a bucks party inside while I was out working. While I've been out in the bottleshop they've been watching x-rated strip shows not 5 metres away on the other side of the wall. No Fair!!!! We started talking, about soccer, then movies...somehow Human Traffic comes up and I bust out my best Moff impersonation. They laugh and I leave to juice the lizard
One of the guys follows me in. As I turn around to wash my hands he shoves a pill in my mouth, smiles, and walks out.
After standing there in complete shock for a moment I run after him. Several high fives and "you're a fucking legend man!!!!"'s later these guys go outside to hail a cab. One arrives straight away
I find myself being thrown in a taxi with these random people I've never met (I know none of their names) and being kidnapped into the city. End up staying out til half five in the morning, not 4 hours till I have to be at work. Woah.
So spent all day at work today coming down and with major scat-horns (feeling scattered and horny hehe)
But it was so worth it. Though I still can't get over the fact I tried on 3 separate occasions to leave the pub before I met these dudes. If I had've caught a taxi home straight after work... If I had've been a split second earlier for the bus, or if I had decided to walk straight home after missing it... none of last nights adventure would have happened...
*twilight zone music*
I don't know if I believe in 'fate' as such... or destiny... that events are predetermined. But last night's random crazy drug fueled adventure went some way to convincing me hehe ^_^
I had to work 5 til midnight yesterday, and as I had to open the bottleshop this morning I'd planned on going straight home to bed like a good little boy so I'd be semi-fresh for work. So the witching hour rolls around, I finish up (yaaay!) and I call for a taxi home. While I was waiting I decided to have a drink. One drink became two, became three... still no cab. So I went outside to try and flag one.
So I'm standing outside trying to hail a cab when one of the locals who I've never talked to comes up beside me, also trying to get a taxi home. After an age of trying and failing to get the attention of what seems a neverending convoy of taxis out of nowhere this guy says: "Dude, you should go back inside..." as he says this the bus that I can catch home drives past on the other side of the road. I sprint after it and juuuuust miss it. Bastard driver practically closes the doors in my face. So i stomp back across and inside the pub. Fuck it. I'm going to have one more drink and then I'll start walking.
So I had oooone more drink... and as I'm on my way to the pisser to empty out before starting the long stumble home (this is the 3rd time I've tried to leave the pub) I bump into these guys I've never seen before. Turns out they've been at a bucks party inside while I was out working. While I've been out in the bottleshop they've been watching x-rated strip shows not 5 metres away on the other side of the wall. No Fair!!!! We started talking, about soccer, then movies...somehow Human Traffic comes up and I bust out my best Moff impersonation. They laugh and I leave to juice the lizard

One of the guys follows me in. As I turn around to wash my hands he shoves a pill in my mouth, smiles, and walks out.
After standing there in complete shock for a moment I run after him. Several high fives and "you're a fucking legend man!!!!"'s later these guys go outside to hail a cab. One arrives straight away

So spent all day at work today coming down and with major scat-horns (feeling scattered and horny hehe)
But it was so worth it. Though I still can't get over the fact I tried on 3 separate occasions to leave the pub before I met these dudes. If I had've caught a taxi home straight after work... If I had've been a split second earlier for the bus, or if I had decided to walk straight home after missing it... none of last nights adventure would have happened...
*twilight zone music*
I enjoyed this. Could you check out my latest poem entry:"I Never Asked Anbody"?
it is nice when life if just random and works out in a nice way