Ahhh I'm so scattered. My brain has run away from home after all the punishment it took Friday night. But he'll be back. He *always* comes back muhahaha.
Friday night was our pre-season soccer team bonding (bondING, not bondAGE) session... aka 12 grandpas plus me. (I'm the youngest on my team by 12 years!) Even though some of them have grey hair - or no hair - they're still the coolest bunch of dudes around. My mum thinks that whenever I go out with them that I'm hanging out with a bunch of responsible adults... little does she know hehe. They're just like a bunch of big kids. And they can drink. Boy can they drink. It's funny because most of them are married and so aren't allowed to go out or have fun. So whenever they get a leave-pass from their partners they all go mental ^_^
Some girl at one of the pubs we went to recognised me from the bottleshop at work
She even had all her teeth! Which is very weird, seeing as how the pub I work at is almost exclusively a seedy old mans pub. (Hence why they used to sponsor our soccer team hehe) And girls at the pub are either all wrinkled and saggy or non-existent. Anyway, I told her that she could come in today when I was working and I'd give her a heap of free alcohol hehe. I wonder if she'll show...
I think I'll go watch wrestling now. It's hard writing without a brain. He better come home soon *shakes fist*
Friday night was our pre-season soccer team bonding (bondING, not bondAGE) session... aka 12 grandpas plus me. (I'm the youngest on my team by 12 years!) Even though some of them have grey hair - or no hair - they're still the coolest bunch of dudes around. My mum thinks that whenever I go out with them that I'm hanging out with a bunch of responsible adults... little does she know hehe. They're just like a bunch of big kids. And they can drink. Boy can they drink. It's funny because most of them are married and so aren't allowed to go out or have fun. So whenever they get a leave-pass from their partners they all go mental ^_^
Some girl at one of the pubs we went to recognised me from the bottleshop at work

I think I'll go watch wrestling now. It's hard writing without a brain. He better come home soon *shakes fist*