I am about to lose my free time completely. Working full time and attending law school at night will make me into a zombie. What the fuck am I about to do to myself?
No matter what happens, I can handle the situatioin. If my brother can make it through army ranger school, i can pull this off. But it is four years long. Will I lose my creative side forever? Will lack of sleep make me a full time asshole to everybody around me? Will being so completely in debt force me to be a slave to money? There is a very good change that the answer to these q's is yes.
Then again, there is always opportunity to adapt. I may find a job I love and want to stay at. The law school is right next to a very kick ass skatepark. Maybe the night school classes will be easy for all I know.
No matter what happens, I can handle the situatioin. If my brother can make it through army ranger school, i can pull this off. But it is four years long. Will I lose my creative side forever? Will lack of sleep make me a full time asshole to everybody around me? Will being so completely in debt force me to be a slave to money? There is a very good change that the answer to these q's is yes.
Then again, there is always opportunity to adapt. I may find a job I love and want to stay at. The law school is right next to a very kick ass skatepark. Maybe the night school classes will be easy for all I know.
I'm sure you'll do just fine. We always seem to adapt to our environment and situation.