This post is for the purpose of pushing my last post away from sight.
Hi Blog.
Sounds from way back when, take me away for a little while. (The Turtles - You Showed Me be exact) The giant star at the center of our little galactic enclave is slightly dimmed out with a 3 day old blanket of fresh wildfire smoke. My brain and body can't wait any longer for it to go away, so fuck the damage...
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Sounds from way back when, take me away for a little while. (The Turtles - You Showed Me be exact) The giant star at the center of our little galactic enclave is slightly dimmed out with a 3 day old blanket of fresh wildfire smoke. My brain and body can't wait any longer for it to go away, so fuck the damage...
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Well, I am finished travelling Australia. I spent 7 months doing it, and oh what an adventure. Am now in New Zealand about to jump off from Aukcland on a package bus tour that goes all over the north and south island. Damn, I can't believe I haven't died yet.
Am in the world's oldest rainforest at Cape Tribulation, Australia.
Have been travelling OZ for the last 6 weeks. Too many amazing sights and experiences to list. Scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef, partying along the Gold Coast, skateboarding all throughout Sydney, and fishing all over the Daintree Rainforest. I wish life were always this perfect.
Hope all is well with everyone I've met through...
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Have been travelling OZ for the last 6 weeks. Too many amazing sights and experiences to list. Scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef, partying along the Gold Coast, skateboarding all throughout Sydney, and fishing all over the Daintree Rainforest. I wish life were always this perfect.
Hope all is well with everyone I've met through...
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wow. i'm majorly jealous of your current location.
yep. i don't think dave's hair has changed in 20 years!
Hi all.
Sometimes, life throws you a curveball. Sometimes, 15 year old girls break into your house, steal your car keys, and give your car away to an 18 year old you've never met. Sometimes, that 18 year old just crashes your car into a lightpost. And then sometimes, police officers believe bullshit stories. Sometimes, those bullshit stories involve returning a car to the rightful...
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Sometimes, life throws you a curveball. Sometimes, 15 year old girls break into your house, steal your car keys, and give your car away to an 18 year old you've never met. Sometimes, that 18 year old just crashes your car into a lightpost. And then sometimes, police officers believe bullshit stories. Sometimes, those bullshit stories involve returning a car to the rightful...
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Oranges, tasty!
What's this about the car?
No keg stands I'm afraid. Shots only.
What's this about the car?
No keg stands I'm afraid. Shots only.
The roads I travelled in the U.S. and Canada made for one hell of a time. If only I had the gift of writing, so that I could do justice to what I saw--the humbling stretches of forests and mountains in Colorado, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and finally California, as seen from a nomadic skateboarder chasing the last bit of winter up through Northern Canada....
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Thanks for the lovely compliment on my set

yeah tetris is a waste of time, but if you've been on an island as long as i have you get bored sometimes...if you ever wander over to Oahu drop me a line, i would gladly turn off the console to hang out...well, take care
Reading this new book called 'Flow.' Completely blown away. Found out about it through Dreamland Skatepark builder's website, whose employees use it in their design philosphy. Fucking cool.
Moments before departure on the beginning of what will be my longest adventure ever, I am sold a snowboard by a company called 'Flow' (160 bux, had to do it). Coincidence?
One of the highest things a...
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Moments before departure on the beginning of what will be my longest adventure ever, I am sold a snowboard by a company called 'Flow' (160 bux, had to do it). Coincidence?
One of the highest things a...
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I lOOOOve snowboarding!!!
I would like to go snowboarding in the USA... salt lake city... mamoth mountains....
well I know what you can feel about skateboarding... I feel the same for snowboarding!!!
hope you'll have fun!!
I would like to go snowboarding in the USA... salt lake city... mamoth mountains....
well I know what you can feel about skateboarding... I feel the same for snowboarding!!!
hope you'll have fun!!

Any more sets? Not sure at the moment. I don't really have the time.
Shot w/ my new camera
My brother just got shipped out to Afghanistan. He is in the Army Special Forces and I am very proud of him.
If he were to be killed by a terrorist, I would feel like a coward for not going over there to take revenge. But it would solve nothing and maybe I would just end up killing some poor bastard who was being lied...
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If he were to be killed by a terrorist, I would feel like a coward for not going over there to take revenge. But it would solve nothing and maybe I would just end up killing some poor bastard who was being lied...
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I beat the sobriety test the other day, narrowly missing a dui. no, i wasn't drunk, but my last drink was 80% Seagram's and 20% 7Up. And I was driving 95mph.
Thank God i have years of balance acquired from skateboarding. I'm no LizaRose but I get by. So officer shitface tells me to close my eyes, balance, lean my head back, wait until i...
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Thank God i have years of balance acquired from skateboarding. I'm no LizaRose but I get by. So officer shitface tells me to close my eyes, balance, lean my head back, wait until i...
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i have been known to perform whole dance concerts after three or four glasses of wine.
but that was back when i was young and stupid.
i have been known to perform whole dance concerts after three or four glasses of wine.
but that was back when i was young and stupid.

I beat the sobriety test the other day, narrowly missing a dui. no, i wasn't drunk, but my last drink was 80% Seagram's and 20% 7Up. And I was driving 95mph.
Thank God i have years of balance acquired from skateboarding. I'm no LizaRose but I get by. So officer shitface tells me to close my eyes, balance, lean my head back, wait until i...
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Thank God i have years of balance acquired from skateboarding. I'm no LizaRose but I get by. So officer shitface tells me to close my eyes, balance, lean my head back, wait until i...
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