So i havent been here in a not planning on doing any sets for sg, anything i do will be for my personal site that i've been working on, and it will be totally different than the sg guidlines... i got fucked around by sg and caught up some shit drama that only involved me because i was in the pictures. So! im a...
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u look hot love your make up

hi spell are you ? what do you do in this time miss to sg ...and sg peoples love you .....kisses and a big hug only for you !!!!

So were leaving for calgary on the 28th for the convention...were staying at the westin so i can bring my min pin Dessie! Which is great, so after calgary we have a week of break, then to montreal, then nova scotia to go sailing with sailor jerry swallow, and after that maybe a little break then to baltimore! I cant tell you what im doing...
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happy new year babe
hi my sweety are you ?????????????????????????????????

awww thanks for all the comments guys...oryx is a great so sad the staircase one didnt go...i really do love that set...the bathingsuit one is kool too...but i gotta say...the rejection has taken its toll on the set quality for having a harder and harder time wanted to actually do more sets now...its nothing to do with Oryx...i love her to death and...
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Thanks guys! I really appreciate it, I agree with the happy thing...i always worry about how expressive i come off as in the such a crazy person, so im usually very out there and expressive...but when it comes to the whole picture thing i guess i feel i should be serious...and also i figured it out last night...i dont like the fully nude thing...For me...i am always naked...unless i go out...i dont want to risk dirtying my i dont wear any ever...nudity for me isnt sexy..its comforable..which is why when im nude in the pictures i dont FEEL sexy...its not what does it for me...i think next time i'll wear something that i can have tits and ass hangin out...but still constrains and does something for a cincher of sorts. Im totally ok with showing i have done way worse in the past...i have some bad camming history when i was programming tv...but yeah...i think sometimes i also feel like im censoring myself. I think due to the history of which i have been watching and studying porn...since i was 5 or 6...i've always prefered a little more hardcore than softcore, which is probably why i love Al so much...the set where she's a nun i love, because she's not nude...that is so sexy for me. I love women that are comfortable with themselves like that, and they really know how to be sexy...I guess what im trying to say is, i love fashion way too much for people to see me nude...i cant express myself through that.
Lemme know what Yas think...
Lemme know what Yas think...

You shouldn't comment in your own journal as a reply to the comments above it, cuz we might not come back and see them.
Bad camming history? Sounds like an interesting story there.
Don't get me wrong - I love seeing a model smile, but for some reason, whether it's SG or just standard fashion modelling, there seems to be a tendency to look almost more angry or bored, rather than happy. Personally, I've never understood why - I like smiles, and I also look at some models with their disinterested non-expressions and feel weird looking at them, cuz it doesn't look like they're enjoying themselves.
I have horrible body-image issues, so I totally respect and am in awe of people who are comfortable in their own bare skin.
I think it's pretty much hit-and-miss with what gets accepted here. Yeah, I know they have loads of rules and standards and even suggestions for over-used themes, but it still strikes me as somewhat random when I look at sets that aren't accepted, even the sets from existing SG's. Don't give up - lots of SG's have sets that aren't accepted.
And in the meantime, enjoy yourself here. Make some friends. And don't feel like getting accepted as an SG is some huge achievement. You'll be the same person regardless.
Thanks for your kind words by the way.
I've been to North Bay a few times over the years. And yeah, northeastern Ontario is so big, but so empty, it's always cool to meet someone 'local'.
Thanks for adding me on MySpace too.

Bad camming history? Sounds like an interesting story there.
Don't get me wrong - I love seeing a model smile, but for some reason, whether it's SG or just standard fashion modelling, there seems to be a tendency to look almost more angry or bored, rather than happy. Personally, I've never understood why - I like smiles, and I also look at some models with their disinterested non-expressions and feel weird looking at them, cuz it doesn't look like they're enjoying themselves.
I have horrible body-image issues, so I totally respect and am in awe of people who are comfortable in their own bare skin.
I think it's pretty much hit-and-miss with what gets accepted here. Yeah, I know they have loads of rules and standards and even suggestions for over-used themes, but it still strikes me as somewhat random when I look at sets that aren't accepted, even the sets from existing SG's. Don't give up - lots of SG's have sets that aren't accepted.
And in the meantime, enjoy yourself here. Make some friends. And don't feel like getting accepted as an SG is some huge achievement. You'll be the same person regardless.
Thanks for your kind words by the way.
I've been to North Bay a few times over the years. And yeah, northeastern Ontario is so big, but so empty, it's always cool to meet someone 'local'.
Thanks for adding me on MySpace too.
Hey all!!!
ok so whats new...lots of stuff!!!
i always feel so "on the spot" with these...i always update my msn space...rarely my myspace and comfortable with msn spaces....anyway!! so my cat is doing better...she's had a kitty cold...i bathed her and blow dried her so she wouldnt get kidneys are doing better, they're always fucked up so im not too concerned about...
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ok so whats new...lots of stuff!!!
i always feel so "on the spot" with these...i always update my msn space...rarely my myspace and comfortable with msn spaces....anyway!! so my cat is doing better...she's had a kitty cold...i bathed her and blow dried her so she wouldnt get kidneys are doing better, they're always fucked up so im not too concerned about...
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oh my darling....your pics are marvellous ..your tatto are marvellous you and i 'm a lcky boy ...becuse you are a my friend....compliments gorgeus girl ....

I don't see how in the hell this set was rejected. You look sexy as fuck in this set.
I don't see how in the hell this set was rejected. You look sexy as fuck in this set.

Guess I havent put anything up here in a while...i've been kidneys are all messed always, so im in a super great mood. i'll probably get around to putting up some more pics from the other sets this week...i was told i i will. Thats pretty much it...i cant really think of anything else to say...
hi my sweety friend ...thx for your friendship ...i'm glad ....for this ....i think you are a marvellous girl....and ....
for you and many many
have a nice days......

for you and many many

have a nice days......
wow i got some comments!!! thats amazing...thanks guys...i really appreciate you takin the time to comment...thank you again...i sincerely mean it.

So an intro to me, well i have sent in 3 last 2 of which i did with oryx and they were all rejected...needless to say im a little discouraged, but what can you do eh? I love tattoos, doing them and having them, I own a shop with my hubby (for almost 2 yrs now), and a distribution company now too. I have...
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nice to see another of us cool kinds from N.B. on here..... oh and when we get back to jaming we will forsure still get you to come try out for the singing... we haven even played together sence dan moved, but on the up side kyle picked up a keyboard witch is a mindi controler, witch means it can be programed to plat samples and have software input into to well playing diferent samples at the same time in diferent spots on the keys.
ya so good job and i think you should put up more of your rejects cause from what i see i don't know what the fuck is wrong with them they look fine to me....dam them s.g. ppl not liking shadows.
ya so good job and i think you should put up more of your rejects cause from what i see i don't know what the fuck is wrong with them they look fine to me....dam them s.g. ppl not liking shadows.
oh honey! don't you worry, i'll be sending in samples from that third set we shot. i have no fear that one will make it. i don't give up that easily.