I'm back from The Pink House.
I had mucho fun, I'll detail it later, right now I'm going to spend some time uploading all the PHOTOGRAPHS I took into an album for all to enjoy...
I can't figure out how to upload via .zip.
Update v2.0:
I figured the .zip upload out. Don't know if it's any faster though. I can only zip about 8 files at a time.
I had mucho fun, I'll detail it later, right now I'm going to spend some time uploading all the PHOTOGRAPHS I took into an album for all to enjoy...


Update v2.0:

Camera policy: %98 chance against
Weather: really shitty
Drive carefull, and traffic is bad around that area right now. Luckily I only live a few blocks away. But it's been snowing here all day.
See ya soon!
Have a great thanks giving sweetie