The Pirate Bay founders have been found guilty of facilitating illegal file sharing and sentenced to a year's imprisonment and a 2.4 million fine.
Internet file sharing? That's nothing, what about illegal book sharing? Cities and municipalities all over the world have been flagrantly running institutions called "libraries" which allow, and even encourage, members of the public to freely access, utilize, copy, share, and make derivative works of a wealth of copyrighted material. How can this be allowed?
It's only a matter of time until this spells the end of the book publishing industry in the same way that VHS killed the movie industry and cassette taping killed the music industry.
Internet file sharing? That's nothing, what about illegal book sharing? Cities and municipalities all over the world have been flagrantly running institutions called "libraries" which allow, and even encourage, members of the public to freely access, utilize, copy, share, and make derivative works of a wealth of copyrighted material. How can this be allowed?
It's only a matter of time until this spells the end of the book publishing industry in the same way that VHS killed the movie industry and cassette taping killed the music industry.

Down with facilitators of illicit tome sharing!