just got back from Josh Todd at the Pound in San Francisco. got to hang out and talk with him for about 20-30 minutes before the show. good guy. i didn`t know it but i guess he is clean now. that`s good to hear. also, turns out Jimmy from the Edge now runs the Pound. Got his card and talked to him for a bit. good to see he is doing well.
tired. i want to go to Santa Cruz tomorrow night. Rachel leaves in a week. she hasn`t even left yet and i already miss her. i havn`t talked to her in ages (ages being about a week.... that is beyond ages for us). this sucks. bah. 36 days til Boston.
tired. i want to go to Santa Cruz tomorrow night. Rachel leaves in a week. she hasn`t even left yet and i already miss her. i havn`t talked to her in ages (ages being about a week.... that is beyond ages for us). this sucks. bah. 36 days til Boston.
Glad to hear it was a great night!!