oh yeah, halloween was a thing......
these guys sold at reasonable prices
and I made this little dude
looks like im actually gonna move out really soon!!!!!!!!!! and in with a good friend of mine in a cute lil apartment in the middle of town :3 so scary but oh god i need this so bad XD moving in right after christmas it seems. gonna blossom into an adult an shit.
meanwhile, my job situation is being a bit frustrating. substituting is going good, i work like 3-4 times a week, mostly at this one middle school and i know most of the kids and feel at home there. but Michaels is kinda dicking me over right now. im working as the florist while the other lady is out. its A LOT of work (which many people dont realize) and i work there at night after a full day of subbing, and on the weekends. i only really get to work like 20 hours a week, half of that time is spent on cleaning, tagging, and moving shit around (like 3-4 hours of squats). there's another designer that comes in every once in a while to make xmas wreaths mainly, and they have a tendency to fuck my shit up. but the extra help is welcome so whatevs. aaaaanyways, i have been asking for a raise for like over a month now, and i finally got it approved, thought id see a raise in my check on thursday, but it wasnt there. my manager was supposed to have "put it in" yesterday, but we are still not sure how much he can give me. basically if they can't give me a certain amount (and its a jump from the pennies im getting paid now) i miiiiiight have to just quit :/ right now, i could make the same amount by just streaming a few nights a week. the reason im at michaels still, is im afraid of the inconsistency of working as an artist, and substituting. (like, im gonna need extra work during the summer). but uuuhg, im starting to really despise going into michaels and i dont wanna be stuck there forever. i know i should at least wait out the holiday season but its so goddamn stressful, and i could be doing a lot more rewarding stuff with that time....buh