so i drew this picture yesterday after hanging out with my friend, Luis. We were talking about how he needs a girlfriend and he's really into freckly redheads. I jokingly suggested dressing up Tom for him and letting him have a date night. it was purely innocent and we had a good chuckle. we agreed if i were to draw that, Tom would have a look on his face like a wet cat.
now, Tom's fursona is a leopard and Luis would be a corgi/monkey. so i drew it up and uploaded it to FurAffinity. I really really liked the way it turned out. and others thought it funny as well...
i was texting tom today and told him to go look at the funny picture i drew. he was like wtf!? and started text yelling at me that it was really mean and stupid and that it made him "look like a little bitch" and that he's "a man!" and ordered me to take it down repeatedly if i had any respect.
i really dont want to take it down. i dont understand why he is so upset. i really like the drawing and i think its funny. its an innocent fucking joke about silly friends. what the hell
well...i took it out of my gallery and into my scraps
why the fuck is he being such an asshole?
now, Tom's fursona is a leopard and Luis would be a corgi/monkey. so i drew it up and uploaded it to FurAffinity. I really really liked the way it turned out. and others thought it funny as well...
i was texting tom today and told him to go look at the funny picture i drew. he was like wtf!? and started text yelling at me that it was really mean and stupid and that it made him "look like a little bitch" and that he's "a man!" and ordered me to take it down repeatedly if i had any respect.
i really dont want to take it down. i dont understand why he is so upset. i really like the drawing and i think its funny. its an innocent fucking joke about silly friends. what the hell
well...i took it out of my gallery and into my scraps
why the fuck is he being such an asshole?
I love this picture! I think he overreacted, personally. But, I can understand his feelings. My boyfriend has similar feelings sometimes. I've taken certain pictures of him that paints him in a very feminine light. He's already effeminate, and doesn't appreciate it, so I don't post pictures like that. I keep them to myself.
Dude you need to sell that shit to greeting card companies..