I really love this new head scarf i've been rockin lately. it's a scrap of fabric i stole from school

pics from friday:
Tom told me to draw on his arm. This is what i came up with. he calls it an acopoco monster and he loved it XD

i drew flowers on me

that night my parents were drunk and made tom and i go to the local dive bar across the street. my mother was wasted and dancing with random men. my dad begged me to take a video. this was my attempt at a photo. later tom literally dragged me onto the dance floor to slow dance with him. gosh that boy <3
that night we went to a friends house. wesley made nick babysit so she could actually come for once. lucky girl got kings cup and got to drink beer out of rachels decanter.

i was supposed to go to disneyland with my friend and despairxfaction but i had to cancel the fun and now im super bummed

pics from friday:
Tom told me to draw on his arm. This is what i came up with. he calls it an acopoco monster and he loved it XD

i drew flowers on me

that night my parents were drunk and made tom and i go to the local dive bar across the street. my mother was wasted and dancing with random men. my dad begged me to take a video. this was my attempt at a photo. later tom literally dragged me onto the dance floor to slow dance with him. gosh that boy <3

that night we went to a friends house. wesley made nick babysit so she could actually come for once. lucky girl got kings cup and got to drink beer out of rachels decanter.

i was supposed to go to disneyland with my friend and despairxfaction but i had to cancel the fun and now im super bummed

Come over kelly, we must go to Disney Land Paris!