I log on and what do I find? A soul that seems to sympathize with me, the very lovely Brighton. What can I say, I love women that pay attention to me. I'm a libra after all, it's my nature to flirt and adore attention.
Well, life has been somewhat better for me as of late, I guess you could say. I've been working more, 12 out of 14 days straight. Not so bad really, keeps me out of the house. Plus, i get a chance to score more weed from my dealer Thom. Most of the time, we just light up back by the dumpsters and get ripped. Can't say that's a bad thing really, can you?
My relationship with the current gf is failing miserably. She is getting on my nerves every day since we moved in together. The relationship started in college as us just being fuckbuddies. She wanted more, I didn't.
And thus, here we are, at an impass. As luck would have it, I have found that keeping in contact with exes is not always a bad thing. In fact, sometime next month, I'm moving away from here to visit one of those ladies. Ok, I'm lying. I'm going there to fuck her brains out and live with her. Well, that's not totally true. I'm going there to leave here and be with a girl that I know loves me and can make me happy. There, I said it!
I'm a mushy as fuck type of guy. I believe in romance and all that shit. I'm deep. Hell, I even write poetry, that's how deep I am. IMA ONION, SO MANY LAYERZ
Well, life has been somewhat better for me as of late, I guess you could say. I've been working more, 12 out of 14 days straight. Not so bad really, keeps me out of the house. Plus, i get a chance to score more weed from my dealer Thom. Most of the time, we just light up back by the dumpsters and get ripped. Can't say that's a bad thing really, can you?
My relationship with the current gf is failing miserably. She is getting on my nerves every day since we moved in together. The relationship started in college as us just being fuckbuddies. She wanted more, I didn't.
And thus, here we are, at an impass. As luck would have it, I have found that keeping in contact with exes is not always a bad thing. In fact, sometime next month, I'm moving away from here to visit one of those ladies. Ok, I'm lying. I'm going there to fuck her brains out and live with her. Well, that's not totally true. I'm going there to leave here and be with a girl that I know loves me and can make me happy. There, I said it!
I'm a mushy as fuck type of guy. I believe in romance and all that shit. I'm deep. Hell, I even write poetry, that's how deep I am. IMA ONION, SO MANY LAYERZ